Alban Hertroys wrote:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
I agree with you on the multi-threaded.  I think I will add a note
saying the the multi-threaded architecture is only advantageous  on
And Solaris.

I'm not entirely sure what makes multi-threading be advantageous on a
specific operating system, but I think FreeBSD should be added to that
list as well... They've been bench marking their threading support using
multi-threading in MySQL (not for the db, mind you - just for load ;),
and it performs really well.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with those two - we have no real proof that a multithreaded architecture would be significantly more efficient than a multi process. It certainly wouldn't be as robust as an error in one backend thread could bring down the entire server.

Windows is a special case in this regard. The OS has been designed from the outset as a threaded environment. The important point is not that Windows threads are necessarily any more efficient than their Solaris or FreeBSD counterparts, but that the multi-process architecture is alien to Windows and is inherently slower. Two of the major bottlenecks we have on Windows as a result are backend startup time and shared memory access speed - both of which are significantly slower than on *nix.

Regards, Dave

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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