On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> How about adding an optional test a la "bigtest" for GiST for this
> release? It could go mainstream for 7.1.x or for 7.2 as we get more
> experience with it. This is just a suggestion and I'm sure there are
> other possibilities. I'm pretty sure we agree on most of points 1-8, and
> that 1-3 are resolved. Comments?

make GIST_TEST=yes

to include GiST testing would be cool, if it can be done ... this way
Tom's worry about non-GiST users having bad regress tests is appeased ...
but I do agree with Tom that mainstreaming the GiST testing would be a bad
idea ... if we could somehow include it as an optional test (as you say,
ala bigtest), then, if nothing else, it saves having to cd to the contrib
directory and run it there ... ala one stop shopping ...

*But*, for the 3 ppl we've pointed out as users of GiST, this is
definitely not a priority issue ... if we can do it, great, if not, no
sweat either ...

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