* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Including all of the other names of people who made important
> contributions, many of which consisted of reviewing, would make that
> release note item - and many others - really, really long, so I'm not
> in favor of that.  Crediting reviewers is important, but so is having
> the release notes be readable.


> It has been proposed that we do a general list of people at the bottom
> of the release notes who helped review during that cycle.  That would
> be less intrusive and possibly a good idea, but would we credit the
> people who did a TON of reviewing?  Everyone who reviewed even one
> patch?  Somewhere in between? Would committers be excluded because "we
> just expect them to help" or included because credit is important to
> established community members too?  To what extent would this be
> duplicative of http://www.postgresql.org/community/contributors/ ?

I don't particularly like this idea.

> I'm not necessarily averse to doing something here, but the reason why
> nothing has happened has much more to do with the fact that it's hard
> to figure out exactly what the best thing would be than any idea that
> "we don't want to credit reviewers".  We do want to credit reviewers,
> AND WE DO, as a quick look at 'git log' will speedily reveal.




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