> So be it, but I was under the impression that the fix would be committed
> shortly after I posted it on LAST SATURDAY, but apparently Bruce was out
> of town, and the Beta2 TAG was laid, WITHOUT PUBLIC NOTICE about the TAG
> coming.

Beta2 TAG was laid so that we could wrap up all fixes to date, of which
yours for unixware hadn't been included yet ... it had been 3 weeks since
Beta1, there were alot of changes, and if ppl are testing based on the tar
ball and not straight CVS, chances are most bugs reported had already been
fixed ...

> Then the SCO/IBM/RED HAT lawsuits are thrown in my face for complaining
> about these facts.

This was uncalled for, but so were your comments over one patch ...

> I want to see PostgreSQL succeed and take over the Open Source DataBase
> world, and want to help, but y'all are making it HARD.

Because one patch wasn't committed before we tar'd up a new beta?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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