Vinay Jain said:
> Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> uh ... maybe you need to look in your C manual about the effect of a
>> "static" declaration. The object will be created once.
> yup I know the effect of Static but this is also fact that when
> program terminates and restarts object will be created again...(not
> persistant)..

you can have it preloaded and persistent to the end of the server run, see

> one thing strikes in my mind is that indchar_lt is function in shared
> object file this file is not unloaded during Order by
>  call than this static defination can work for me..
> Not sure but I think this file is loaded each time indchar_lt is called
>  in order by clause...

If course it is not loaded each time. That would be insane. If not
preloaded it is loaded when first called in each process, and then kept.
It is never unloaded (except by the termination of the process that loaded

It seems you have been laboring under a misapprehension.



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