Vinay Jain wrote:

You mean that I should create a static table in C program itself and use it...if i am not wrong
Ya for the time being i am doing this thing but actually table is bigger (around 5000 rows with 6 columns)

bigger than what?

also this table is also created and destroyed in each indchar_lt call which is called many times in order by clause

uh ... maybe you need to look in your C manual about the effect of a "static" declaration. The object will be created once.

one more thing i want it generalized so that I can include other indian languages also..without changing code..
If there is not any method to get results fast using database table i will have to opt this option only..

Not for what you want - you are pursuing a chimera, IMNSHO.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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