Greg Copeland writes:
> My primary fear about delivering Win32 with all of these other great
> features is that, IMO, there is a higher level of risk associated with
> these advanced features.  At the same time, this will be the 
> first trial for many Win32 users.  Should there be some problems, in
> or worse, specific to Win32 users as it relates to these new features, it
> could cost some serious Win32/PostgreSQL community points.  A troubled
> release which is experienced by Win32 users is going to be a 
> battle cry for MySQL.

Just thought I'd jump in here with my $0.02.

It was always my expectation that the first Win32 release, regardless of the
features which accompanied it, would be clearly advertised as not for
production (some here might suggest that simply mentioning Win32 and "not
for production" in the same sentence is repeating myself, but I'm not going
to be quite so cynical). It won't stop people going ahead and doing it
regardless, but it buys us some press insurance.

I'm confident that the Win32 port will be solid, and will go a long way in
boosting PostgreSQLs popularity. That said, I simply don't think it isn't
reasonable to expect that it'll go out the door with all quirks nailed the
very first time, and we ought to be honest and up-front about these


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