by the way here are the blender guidelines if someone wants to take a taste

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:37 PM, kilon alios <> wrote:

> Blender wiki is badly maintained because developers are only forced to
> document when they add a feature and not when they improve it etc So many
> of the pages are outdated , pictures are from version years ago and look
> very diffirent to modern versions of Blender. Its not a wiki problem its a
> maintance problem. But Blender has a huge community of video tutorials
> online. Even professional communities like Blendercookie and blenderguru.
> So it can afford to not care so much about keeping everything uptodate.
> Still people complain about the Blender wiki .
> If Pharo accepts source code that at least has proper class comments then
> thats a big step forward. Even a hint of documentation is 1000 times better
> than no documentation at all. I think that this will definitely bring more
> people to contribute. I think I can also help there too. d
> Blender also takes advantage of auto documentation, python offers doc
> strings, think of it as class comments and method comments with formatting.
> For example you can embed a unit test inside the class comment and the test
> will be runable by the user. The entire Blender API for python coders is
> auto documented this way. So I agree this a really good idea for
> documentation.
> Also pharo people have done a great job with Pier and Pillar. Its
> definitely more powerful than a wiki and having a solution especially
> tailored for Pharo is a big plus. We dont need a wiki. As long as
> everything is linked back to the main website its fine. Pillar is much
> easier to learn than Latex and not very dissimilar to wiki syntax. I am
> very happy with pillar personally and Damien's conversion from Latex to
> Pillar works very well too.
> Another good thing is that pharo documentation is really well written,
> there are things that are missing but most of it is a very good state. Its
> great not to have to rewrite documentation just because its not well
> understood. So its only a matter of keeping it updated.
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <>
> wrote:
>> On 05 Aug 2014, at 11:05, kilon alios <> wrote:
>> I don't question people contribution to Pharo.
>> I do think however that we need to prioritize documentation. For example
>> Blender development works in a way that a developers adding a feature to
>> Blender main repo (not external code and external libraries) must add
>> documentation to Blender wiki for the users.
>> +1
>> we do not like wikis (bah, I like them, but others don’t… and they have a
>> point: a wiki must be maintained, otherwise is a waist of time and effort).
>> but… since Pharo4 we started a practice which is: we do not integrate any
>> new stuff that is not correctly commented (in classes), with tests and (if
>> possible), examples.
>> in the long way this is the best because Pharo relies a lot in
>> “autodocumentation”.
>> now, we can improve this:
>> - even if new stuff has to come that way, most of the code inside image
>> is poorly documented, tested and examples. We can improve that. We need to.
>> I remember the comment per day Luc started a couple of years ago… is
>> complicated to have them running in long way (until documentation is
>> finished) because people get tired, but we could have a “two weeks
>> comments” each three months or something like that. Not perfect, but better
>> than what we have now.
>> - I dream with PetitParser integrated into Pharo, and then a
>> markdown/pillar parser into class comments, allowing us to have better
>> formating and references, etc. to improve navigation.
>> and of course, more can be done:
>> -tutorials for newbies (your work on the videos is great there, btw!)
>> -example projects in different areas  (I think the laser game is a good
>> one, but we need more “professional” examples: web apps, desktop apps, etc.)
>> -etc.
>> Also Blender has coding guidelines that need to be followed in order for
>> code to added to main repo, does Pharo has something similar ? If yes where
>> is such a document ?
>> Not really (at least that I know). We should.
>> Also Blender mailing list is very active with major bug fixes and
>> features enhancement , in Pharo it looks to me that a lot of this
>> discussion is located to fogbug . That means however than unless you
>> frequent there its very difficult to track changes that affect your
>> workflow.
>> we still need to find the best workflow, yes. I’m not happy with fogbugz
>> in general, not because of the tool, which is great (and I’m very grateful
>> that we have it), but because it does not seems to adapt correctly to an
>> open source project, or at least to our own project. Anyway, maybe if we
>> continue the "moving to github” effort, probably we will prefer to use the
>> github tracker, eventually (even if not as powerful as fogbugz).
>> Esteban
>> Not just Blender but many open source projects work similarly.
>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:
>>> 2014-08-04 22:37 GMT+02:00 kilon alios <>:
>>> I can tell you why. Because its rarely is simple for people not familiar
>>>> with Pharo like me.
>>>> I once tried to help Damien with PharoLauncher. I added the progress
>>>> bars you get when you download a new image it was simple as pie. Then
>>>> Damien recommended for me to try to add support to PharoLauncher for CLI .
>>>> I understand how Pharo does CLI stuff but was not able to understand
>>>> anything about how PharoLauncher downloads and handles images. I literally
>>>> spent hours trying to understand the internal architecture and gave up
>>>> after 2 hours or so cause I had no clue how things worked.
>>>> Also finding a bug to fix in Pharo is time consuming, you have to go
>>>> through one bug after another till you find that you can figure out whats
>>>> wrong and how to fix. Its not easy and its very annoying at times.
>>>> Generally what kills me is lack of motivation, I don't like reading
>>>> other's people code, I don't even like reading my code.  I prefer
>>>> documentation , If I am to fix a bug I want at least someone to show me how
>>>> it works because figuring it by myself takes a lot of time and I am simply
>>>> not willing to invest that time just because people find documentation
>>>> something that should write one day when their software reaches version 1
>>>> meaning years later.
>>>> So you want to motivate people to contribute to bug fixes ? Do not
>>>> allow any code to enter pharo main distribution without full class
>>>> comments. I really mean "full class comment" not 2 , or 3 lines.
>>>> PBE has been left hanging years after the release of 1.4 , why ? you
>>>> expect people to contribute to bug fixes even when the most basic of
>>>> documentation is abandoned ?
>>>> Sorry if I sound harsh but you wanted a honest answer . For me
>>>> undocumented code is far more annoying than a bug or a missing feature.
>>> I find it a bit to harsh :)
>>> +1 for more source code documentation, but keep in mind that there are
>>> people that may not do proper documentation (even change code
>>> or fix bugs and don't document their code) but doing A LOT for pharo
>>> behind the scenes.
>>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:51 PM, stepharo <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys
>>>>> I'm sure that most of you did not realize it, but Pharo does not
>>>>> magically improve. It improves because some of us are looking
>>>>> at the tracker issues and looking at the code and improving it.
>>>>> Since Pharo is yours I wonder why you do not take the time to improve.
>>>>> In fact, this is the key advantage of true open-source: being able to have
>>>>> an impact.  An example, I was fed up to have a stupid widget to move
>>>>> method between protocol and classes between packages. I fixed it.
>>>>> It took my 20 min without knowing anything about Nautilus.
>>>>> And it improved Pharo Right now, Right there.
>>>>> Of course if more people would be improving Pharo we could also focus
>>>>> on enabling technology and frameworks. But
>>>>> apparently we have to choose either we improve Pharo now or we invent
>>>>> cool stuff  that takes time.
>>>>> I wonder why I do not go for the fame of writing a cool stuff instead
>>>>> of just improving systematically the system.
>>>>> I wrote some roadmaps for people willing also to help.
>>>>> Stef

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