Hi Florin,

you're in for some interesting questions :)

First, I did not have a methodology for finding the issue (or explaining
the algorithm) when I started, and I didn't have one afterwards; you need
to look into the WhyLine stuff for that (they do a lot better, but I don't
have the time to reimplement their tool).

But I noticed that understanding an algorithm is easy (relatively) when:

- You can easily move repeatedly to any point in an execution stream of
that algorithm (i.e. ubiquitous debugging: step forward, backward, jump at
any point back and forth, any number of times).

- At each point, you are given the precise point in the source code

- At each point, you get significant values: assignments, arguments, return

Representation is easy: an execution is a tree. A sequence in this
execution is items at the same level in the tree. Calls are subtrees, as
well as iterations. Gui is simple: a tree on the left, code pane on the
right. See an example underway: I'm trying to find a bug in LayoutFrame, so
I traced LayoutFrame>>transform: (without breaking Morphic).
[image: Images intégrées 1]
This is for exploration at the moment, and not comparing values. And on a
single method, and highlighting is broken in Pharo 4 :(

In the value tracking idea, what we thought then in the place I worked in
at that time, is that we could study comparing / diffing trace trees to see
where the two versions of the algorithm diverges. We didn't follow up and
it wasn't published. I have new visualisations on Roassal now, but they are
for static analysis of multitask C code.

Does that give you ideas?


2014-10-06 15:08 GMT+02:00 Florin Mateoc <fmat...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Thierry,
> On 10/4/2014 5:32 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
> >
> >>              I do have specific tools I can use in such circumstances
> >>         that you
> >>              don't have.
> >>
> >>
> >>         What kind of tools? I would be interested in learning about them
> >>         and the
> >>         analysis use cases they support.
> >>
> >>
> >>     I have a trace tool for those situations (and also for parser work).
> >>
> >>
> >> What trace tool? Is an example available?
> >
> >
> http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2012-July/067679.html
> >
> >>     My original use case was:
> >>     - Finding the bug in an error correction decoding algorithm which
> >>     worked without error, but with non-satisfying results: lower than
> >>     expected SNR.
> >>     - Has then been used very successfully to explain the algorithm.
> >>     - Was then used as the basis for a hardware design methodology by
> >>     dynamic code traces of multithreaded programs
> >>
> I am very interested in the "explaining the algorithm" aspect of your
> tool. Could you please talk a little about that?
> I think I had a similar use case - improving an algorithm working over a
> lot of data (so stepping through it with a
> debugger was unrealistic) - and my approach was to run two versions in
> parallel (the latest (best) available iteration
> in the implementation, known to work, versus the bleeding edge), with
> synchronization points for every iteration within
> the algorithm execution, so that I would catch (through a halt) any
> divergence as soon as it started, and from them on
> using the debugger.
> This worked quite well, but it did not help with explaining the working of
> the algorithm and I kept wishing I had a
> visualization that would help me get to an intuitive (and holistic, not
> just of the subparts) understanding of how the
> algorithm worked (in the style of Bret Victor's visualizations), but I did
> not know how to get to it. So, if you did
> manage to get to such a visualization (one that does not come from an
> already (pre-existing for the creator of the
> visualization) understanding of the algorithm), that would be fantastic
> Florin

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