I think that this is important that we do not think only in terms of git.
People will jump on the next cool and better because nicer versioning system. I think about fossil for example. I'm waiting for that. Because each time I pair program with smart git users I see how this is "simple". So I would really be against having git menu in Pharo. We should have an abstraction over the generic commands that a decentralized versioning system should


Le 27/1/16 18:23, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

On 1/27/16 8:30 AM, stepharo wrote:
We have the catalog. So how different it is.
AFAIK the catalog only manages loads of projects ... to make it a "Project Browser" you would add menu items for committing/saving projects (i.e., save all dirty packages and for git repos, do a git commit after updating packages); viewing the diffs for all packages in a project; and of course the load functionality ....

As I said somewhere else, I don't think that it is a major job to implement a "Project Browser", but it is something that really needs to be done for supporting git-based projects. There is a natural 1-to-1 mapping between a Metacello project and it's git repository and as you can see in the Git menu below, there are a number of additional git-specific functions that need to be supported ...


And yes we would to change packages in nautilus.

Le 27/1/16 15:13, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
Haha, I certainly understand the lack of time/manpower ... Just in case it wasn't clear, when I said "project browser" I wasn't talking about replacing the code browser (Nautilus), but replacing/augmenting the Monticello Browser - which should turn out to be a much simpler undertaking --- "Project Browser" that manages the projects within the image - load, save, changes, etc.:

project list screenshot


On 1/26/16 11:29 PM, Christophe Demarey wrote:
Hi Dale,

Le 27 janv. 2016 à 04:11, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

I've been wondering no-one in the Pharo community has started building a "Project Browser" to 
replace the "Package Browser" .... I've had a "project browser" in tODE for several years 
now and you work with a manageble list of Metacello projects like the following:
Of course, we have that in mind. We would love to have it but lack of time / 
manpower ...
We are not happy with the current browser (Nautilus). We could have something 
really more powerful. It will come but we have other projects to achieve before 
If someone comes with a better browser, we would love to set it as default.


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