Is this a goal we can all share for 7.0?

Sort out the expert tools (like git etc), but equally enable that simplicity 
you expect for a child/newbie/expert...

I'm in!


Sent from my iPhone

> On 17 Aug 2017, at 20:52, Stephane Ducasse <> wrote:
> Hi guys
> my son coded in Pharo 60
> testGuessUrlPart
>      |dg8|
>      dg8 := GameItem new;
>                  name: 'Dragon Quest VIII : Journey Of The Cursed King';
>                  console: 'PS2'.
>       self assert: dg8 guessUrlPart equals:
> 'dragonquestviiijourneyofthecursedking'
> and guess what he broke the system.
> We should not accept such kind of behavior.
> name: should not change the name of the class.
> I do not know the solution but I fear when I will teach 160 students this 
> fall.
> We should make sure that Pharo is not a system only for experts!
> any idea is welcome
> Stef

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