Sure, we got the right to change historical code.

But beware, naming actions with physical button positioncould be misleading...
... it does not take into account the logical indirection.

We could as well use intention revealing names like selectButton
operateButton haloButton...
.. Err, no more halo in Pharo, these names are prematurely frozen and
don't take future evolutions into account.

Oh, we need some more neutral naming scheme, but for sure, something
less colorfull that these childish st-80 and e toys.
I suggest you use whiteButton greyButton blackButton, or maybe
paleBlueButton, lightCyanButton to be more inline with an aqua theme


2011/1/24 Marcus Denker <>:
> On Jan 24, 2011, at 5:39 AM, Guillermo Polito wrote:
> I hate yellowButtonPressed and redButtonPressed and blueButtonPressed
> messages.
> Why not lefClick, rightClick and "middleClick"?
> Yes.
> Back in the days, the color buttons where "holy cows". You just could not
> even suggest to
> change it.
> For me, after 13 years of Squeak and later Pharo, I still have no clue which
> color means what...
> they have no meaning. There is no green button on my mouse.
> Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker  --
> INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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