One last thing: when you type the name of a class somewhere and you do a
cmd+b I think it would be much better if Nautilus open the "normal" browser
and not "hierarchy" one.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Benjamin <> wrote:

> To be honest, if it works, I do not want to lose my time on Configuration
> It shouldn't be done by hand, but generated by a tool :)
> Ben
> On Feb 20, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Benjamin <
>> wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I know a some of you are waiting for the integration of the RB engine
>> into Nautilus.
>> Some of them are already implemented, so if you wanna test them, here is
>> the gofer script
>> Gofer new
>>        url: '';
>>        package: 'ConfigurationOfNautilus';
>>        load.
>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfNautilusRefactoring) perform: #loadDefault
> So...that's the way of loading Nautilus with refactorings?    Wouldn't it
> be better to include RB dependencis in ConfigurationOfNautilus and have a
> specific group there. So you can do for example
> ConfigurationOfNautilus project stableVersion load: 'WithRefactorings'.
> ?
> BTW, I checked the ConfigurationOfNautilusRefactoring and it looks you
> miss a critical feature of Metacello: project references :)  From
> ConfigurationOfNautilusRefactoring you can directly depend on
> ConfigurationOfRB or ConfigurationOfNautilus rather than duplicating
> everything in there. Don't tell Stef you didn't read the chapter hahahaha
>> It loads everything.
>> For now I have only done some refactorings for classes, so if you popup
>> the menu on a class, a new item named Refactoring should appear :)
>> Moreover, the 'rename class' method is replaced by the RB one :)
>> Thanks in advance for your feedback, and if you want to participate, you
>> are more than welcome :)
>> Ben
> --
> Mariano


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