On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Johan Fabry <jfa...@dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:

> On Jun 24, 2016, at 19:00, Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com> wrote:
> […]
> I know that we don’t have designers to inverted something cool, but what
> GT teem did is they took Google material design guidelines and implemented
> widgets in Pharo, so if I use them it will be pleasant to the user’s eye.
> Otherwise we are saying how cool Pharo is and how good we are, but a random
> Android developer can build nicer interface because they have this sexy
> widgets.
> Just to understand: are you saying that a better set of underlying widgets
> for Spec would solve the ‘ugliness’ issue for you?

Then this would not a Spec issue, but Morphic/Bloc one.

> And yes, in the end for me the big turn off with Spec is the direct
> example with Tommaso. You know that something is wrong, so you want to
> change the size of a font. And then you ask on the mailing list and it
> turns out that it’s not that easy and you have to either hack something, or
> submit patch to Spec… In the end I’ve decided to use plain morphic because
> at least there I can change whatever I want.
> So, again to understand: you want to be able to change the font size of
> any widget from within the application, ignoring the System preference
> settings?

You should be able to do that even now with #whenBuiltDo:

But it's true that Spec doesn't really have any API for styling, and if
something is customizable (some colors for some widgets, some other
options), it is quite haphazard, similarly for drag and drop (there was a
brief discussion about this about a month ago, but we don't have a solution)

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