On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Yes, my words as yours are cheap, but life not:

Hi Hilaire,

> - 6:30am, wake up, speedy breakfast, heading to school
> - all days: teaching kid, getting grads, metting other teachers, oh
> using DrGeo during class, it is cool, it is super stable, hopefully I
> kept it on Pharo 3 to avoid undetected incompatibility issues I faced
> otherwise. Wants to use Phratch, but the UI quality not good enough yet,
> need a few fixing.
> - afternoon and late afternoon: teacher work, coding/consulting/training
> ICT for IT department
> Some fun with Phratch bugs fixing. I want to remove all this UI bugs
> hanging around before producing video courses for teachers.
> Oh, what these tools are about, there are no tips (not good for teacher
> or kids!). Oh using wrong method to activate tooltip, API changes, why
> two methods now, I don't understand the logic, okay got the tips to show
> up, oh they look like shit (not pro). Time for dinner.
> Later on the evening: try to figure out this tooltips why there are so
> awfull, wasting time again on that. Why is it so ugly. I will not
> release DrGeo looking like that, why is it happening in pharo. Getting
> upset. And then so on with other problems
> Complaining on the list about the overall Pharo quality. Oh I appear to
> be the bad guy, I should take responsibility, ok may be during my bed
> time then.

What you describe looks very similar to my experience.
I have lectures at the university (15h nowadays), research papers
to wrote, students to supervise on some Pharo projects,
projects based on Pharo to push and sometimes some annoying bugs related to UI.
Spend sometime to try to fix this problems but I have to stop at one
point because this is my main activity ...

I guess we are all suffering from the same experience and the only
solutions maybe is
to add or fix some issues on the bug tracker. But if you try to fix
some bugs, you realize that is not an easy task, etc ...
Like Markus say during his talk last ESUG, even doing a small step is
already great.

> If you read carefully I proposed to help in my previous, so no need to
> reply with this trivial "show me the code". If there is a UI quality
> team, I want and I can help a bit, but my plates are already mostly
> full. But if Pharo thinks quality is good enough then ok, I will shut up.

I prefer people complaining, than people talking endlessly ;-)

I like the idea of a UI quality team and more dedicated teams should
be built maybe on documentation, CI, etc ...
I guess for an UI quality team, the first step is to propose a process
on how to assess the quality of a release.

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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