On Fri, 03 Feb 2017 22:20:28 +0100, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

UI quality team could be fun.

Here are some ideas how it could be organised:

- at least 3/5/7 persons looking at issues and reporting it. Why three?
Easier to decide and UI may for some part be very opinionated
These persons could discuss how to fix it, if no consensus, the team
could ask to the whole community @devel.

- should the team discuss on a dedicated mailing list? May be to avoid
too much noise on @devel...

- the team will look mostly at non blocking bugs, ones in the sphere of
"First impression count", so it can be clarity of the UI (message, tips,
color, etc) or some annoying bugs regarding usability

- the team should be able to fix itself most of these issues.

How does it sound?

good but will we find these people?


Le 03/02/2017 à 12:25, Serge Stinckwich a écrit :
I like the idea of a UI quality team and more dedicated teams should
be built maybe on documentation, CI, etc ...
I guess for an UI quality team, the first step is to propose a process
on how to assess the quality of a release.

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