Hi Hilaire,

Thanks for caring about the UI.

Unfortunately, your message sounded like an angry complaint and this often has 
the tendency to stifle collaboration. As I am sure this was not your intention, 
let’s try to take that energy and transform it into something positive that can 
lead to action.

Concretely: You complained about the text in the tooltips. I understand that 
you do not have time to fix the code, but here is what you can easily do: 
propose the concrete pieces of text that would work for you and we can take it 
from there.

What do you say?


> On Feb 3, 2017, at 3:38 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:54 PM, denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
>>> On 3 Feb 2017, at 09:21, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
>>> A UI quality team review would be needed before each Pharo release, I
>>> mean with a real constraint to postpone release until a good enough
>>> quality is reached!
> Its always a question of resources and priorities.
> For example, is the tooltip text more important than...
> 17240 Spur - when saving an image, it never shrinks
> 18638 Image is growing in size (unnecessary instances of UndoRedoRecords)
> 19606 Switch SSL Plugin Code for macOS to openssl
> 19645 Enabling search triggers error in the FastTable renderer for Glamour
> 18654 Setting are not being loaded
> 18668 Computer UUID does not change when image is moved to another machine
> Maybe yes from your perspective, passion and needs.
> Maybe you don't feel you have time, expertise or passion to work on
> those listed issues yourself.
> But others may consider it more important for themselves to work on
> the listed issues,
> and that is what they work on with their limited time.
> But since the Release can't be dragged out forever,
> a cut must be made and perhaps the polish of the UI suffers.
> Now its often the case that the person who clearly sees the issues,
> and is driven to find them, is best placed to solve them.  If you are
> willing to volunteer some effort there, I think that would be a great
> thing. I don't want to drive it, but I would certainly be willing to
> give close support to quickly review your slices and collaborate on
> anything gnarly.
> cheers -ben
>>> In that context I can help.
>>> There are many place where tiny efforts could make the UI so much better
>>> for newcomers.
>>> For example when I saw the debugger tooltips, there are just helpless,
>>> their contents are the same as the button label, not acceptable!!!
>>> I can't understand the difference between 'over' and 'through'. I guess
>>> other may think I don't understand the difference because I am an idiot,
>>> but I guess there are a lot of idiots out there, and these are the ones
>>> we want to come and *to stay* with Pharo!
>>> So any wish to *really* improve the UI quality, or just words?
>> Yes, words is the problem: it is *so* easy to know what others have to do.
>> Trivial. *Doing* is hard… maybe you should be in charge of reviewing
>> all changes for pharo for one month?


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