On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:54 PM, denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
> > On 3 Feb 2017, at 09:21, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> >
> > A UI quality team review would be needed before each Pharo release, I
> > mean with a real constraint to postpone release until a good enough
> > quality is reached!

Its always a question of resources and priorities.

For example, is the tooltip text more important than...
17240 Spur - when saving an image, it never shrinks
18638 Image is growing in size (unnecessary instances of UndoRedoRecords)
19606 Switch SSL Plugin Code for macOS to openssl
19645 Enabling search triggers error in the FastTable renderer for Glamour
18654 Setting are not being loaded
18668 Computer UUID does not change when image is moved to another machine

Maybe yes from your perspective, passion and needs.
Maybe you don't feel you have time, expertise or passion to work on
those listed issues yourself.
But others may consider it more important for themselves to work on
the listed issues,
and that is what they work on with their limited time.
But since the Release can't be dragged out forever,
a cut must be made and perhaps the polish of the UI suffers.

Now its often the case that the person who clearly sees the issues,
and is driven to find them, is best placed to solve them.  If you are
willing to volunteer some effort there, I think that would be a great
thing. I don't want to drive it, but I would certainly be willing to
give close support to quickly review your slices and collaborate on
anything gnarly.

cheers -ben

> > In that context I can help.
> >
> > There are many place where tiny efforts could make the UI so much better
> > for newcomers.
> >
> > For example when I saw the debugger tooltips, there are just helpless,
> > their contents are the same as the button label, not acceptable!!!
> >
> > I can't understand the difference between 'over' and 'through'. I guess
> > other may think I don't understand the difference because I am an idiot,
> > but I guess there are a lot of idiots out there, and these are the ones
> > we want to come and *to stay* with Pharo!
> >
> > So any wish to *really* improve the UI quality, or just words?
> >
> Yes, words is the problem: it is *so* easy to know what others have to do.
> Trivial. *Doing* is hard… maybe you should be in charge of reviewing
> all changes for pharo for one month?

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