Probably it was your thread but as I said you can make a "hack" and overlay
a system GUI over Pharo GUI This way you can view the PDF, "inside" Pharo.
I think it is even possile  to get the handle of the Pharo window and
directly affect it to embed a PDF viewer.

The second solution is better because you want have to wory about Pharo
window resizing as the PDF will be trully embeded inisde the Pharo window
instead of overlayed.

I am willing to bet you can avoid the multiple windows anooyance in some
way on another without making your head explode. Unless its not a priority
for you.

Looks great, well done mate. Keep the creative juices flowing ;)

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:02 AM Manuel Leuenberger <>

> Sounds like a nice setup you got there :).
> I want to integrate documents displayed in the system viewer, as they
> cannot be displayed within Pharo (Web, PDF, …). So hyperlinking is the only
> way I see to get something close. I created a little demo where I injected
> hyperlinks in a PDF like ‘pharo://click?whatever=youwant'. When you click
> them, a little Objective-C app catches the OS event and forwards it to an
> HTTP server running in Pharo. So I can do things like this:
> On 11 Oct 2017, at 00:24, Dimitris Chloupis <> wrote:
> I think I remember this disussed before.
> By talking with Pharo I assume here about another program talking to Pharo
> ? Possible not wrriten in Pharo ?
> If thats the case then you can use whatever IPC works better for your
> needs. If the communication will be remotely I recommend sockets, for  fast
> local communication I recommend shared memory. They are both very mature
> technologies , very reliable and cross platform.
> Now on the URI protocol, I think that will depend what you want to
> achieve. Any string will be easy to parse with Pharo's regex and trigger
> the approriate methods. Pharo also have Annoucements, think of it as an
> event system that awaits to be triggered by an event, usually a Pharo event
> but I see no reason why it cant listen to external events either.
> I do not think you will need a middle application , a servel client
> relation shipe should be more than enough.
> With my Atlas bridge which is a Pharo library that allows you to use
> Python libraries I did a neat trick with Pharo that it already communicated
> with Python via sockets, sending python commands but also Python could
> communicate back errors , then Pharo would trigger the debugger, display
> the python error inside the Pharo debugger and the debugger would pop up on
> the exact pharo command that send the faulty python code. You could then
> change the pharo command on the spot and it was resent and python continued
> like the error never happened to retain the all important live coding
> workflow.
> I created a tiny protocol to difirentia incoming messages talking about
> errors from the ones returning python varriable values. Something stupid
> like "pythonError: blah blah" but it got the job done
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 10:07 PM Manuel Leuenberger <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any support from the VM/Application package to add custom URI
>> schemes to listen to from within Pharo? I would like to have a hyperlink
>> like ‘pharo://send?data=fancypants’ in an arbitrary document that, when
>> clicked, switches to Pharo and calls a hook I can register. Could someone
>> give me a hint how to achieve that, or do I have to build a little bridge
>> application that handles the scheme registration and talks with Pharo
>> through another channel? Currently, I only need this for OS X.
>> Cheers,
>> Manuel

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