I cant argue with that , dealing with C can be quite “an interesting”
experience :D it’s better and probably healthier when it happens at small
On Thu, 12 Oct 2017 at 11:56, Manuel Leuenberger <leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch>

> Yes, that was my thread. Thanks for the hint with overlaying a transparent
> OS window and controlling it from within Pharo. The overlay solution is not
> a priority for me, as it would require me to dive deeper into the macOS
> world. I rather live in the Pharo world, for now. :)
> On 12 Oct 2017, at 10:26, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Probably it was your thread but as I said you can make a "hack" and
> overlay a system GUI over Pharo GUI This way you can view the PDF, "inside"
> Pharo. I think it is even possile  to get the handle of the Pharo window
> and directly affect it to embed a PDF viewer.
> The second solution is better because you want have to wory about Pharo
> window resizing as the PDF will be trully embeded inisde the Pharo window
> instead of overlayed.
> I am willing to bet you can avoid the multiple windows anooyance in some
> way on another without making your head explode. Unless its not a priority
> for you.
> Looks great, well done mate. Keep the creative juices flowing ;)
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:02 AM Manuel Leuenberger <
> leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch> wrote:
>> Sounds like a nice setup you got there :).
>> I want to integrate documents displayed in the system viewer, as they
>> cannot be displayed within Pharo (Web, PDF, …). So hyperlinking is the only
>> way I see to get something close. I created a little demo where I injected
>> hyperlinks in a PDF like ‘pharo://click?whatever=youwant'. When you
>> click them, a little Objective-C app catches the OS event and forwards it
>> to an HTTP server running in Pharo. So I can do things like this:
>> https://youtu.be/CR_scZSDf3s
>> On 11 Oct 2017, at 00:24, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I think I remember this disussed before.
>> By talking with Pharo I assume here about another program talking to
>> Pharo ? Possible not wrriten in Pharo ?
>> If thats the case then you can use whatever IPC works better for your
>> needs. If the communication will be remotely I recommend sockets, for  fast
>> local communication I recommend shared memory. They are both very mature
>> technologies , very reliable and cross platform.
>> Now on the URI protocol, I think that will depend what you want to
>> achieve. Any string will be easy to parse with Pharo's regex and trigger
>> the approriate methods. Pharo also have Annoucements, think of it as an
>> event system that awaits to be triggered by an event, usually a Pharo event
>> but I see no reason why it cant listen to external events either.
>> I do not think you will need a middle application , a servel client
>> relation shipe should be more than enough.
>> With my Atlas bridge which is a Pharo library that allows you to use
>> Python libraries I did a neat trick with Pharo that it already communicated
>> with Python via sockets, sending python commands but also Python could
>> communicate back errors , then Pharo would trigger the debugger, display
>> the python error inside the Pharo debugger and the debugger would pop up on
>> the exact pharo command that send the faulty python code. You could then
>> change the pharo command on the spot and it was resent and python continued
>> like the error never happened to retain the all important live coding
>> workflow.
>> I created a tiny protocol to difirentia incoming messages talking about
>> errors from the ones returning python varriable values. Something stupid
>> like "pythonError: blah blah" but it got the job done
>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 10:07 PM Manuel Leuenberger <
>> leuenber...@inf.unibe.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any support from the VM/Application package to add custom URI
>>> schemes to listen to from within Pharo? I would like to have a hyperlink
>>> like ‘pharo://send?data=fancypants’ in an arbitrary document that, when
>>> clicked, switches to Pharo and calls a hook I can register. Could someone
>>> give me a hint how to achieve that, or do I have to build a little bridge
>>> application that handles the scheme registration and talks with Pharo
>>> through another channel? Currently, I only need this for OS X.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Manuel

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