A pleasure to discover ! To me, a wonderful(ly engineered) library. 

Big thanks to Netstyle !

I’m just getting my hands around, but it looks to me like a great general 
purpose BP tool (modeling + engine + xpdl import export). 
It would be very useful for IS in industrial contexts (*). And before all a 
superb starting point to model my simple personal routines as executable 

On the practical aspects, just a problem loading because of WADynamicVariable, 
but it kinds of load on Pharo 6.
Running tests, there are (naturally) some failures. I think most come from the 
removed links to Omnibase/History support and seaside (WADynamicVariable).

Some stuffs that are missing:
A reference to TimeStamp fixed:

Need to fix WADynamicVariable with shouldn’t be hard.
The History link (persistence) is a bit more difficult as I don’t know its 
importance in the engine.
All Workflow object are managed object which (if I understand well) are 
persistent object. So maybe It need a (local) persistent alternative, a stub ?

Anyway, I need to understand more and I will probably come back with some 
questions about the dependencies and how to fix them.

Cheers and thanks again, enligthening code :)


* Interoperability of is a field I try carefully not to enter because I found 
not really fun (as most of the tool I’ve soon were java based … and slow… and 
java world !) but if only I had similar tools in pharo that could bring the fun 
back :)

> Le 27 oct. 2017 à 09:37, Cédrick Béler <cdric...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Thank you! 
> I thons this just perfect as a starting point !
> Cheers,
> Cedrick
> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>> Le 26 oct. 2017 à 19:38, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Maybe the package described here has what you're looking for :
>> http://forum.world.st/Ann-Workflow-td4963635.html
>> Cédrick Béler wrote
>>> Hi again, this is my last question and the more general one of the day :-)
>>> I’m looking for way of representing and executing simple "business
>>> processes" in Pharo and a way of declaring domain ontologies/taxonomies.
>>> I didn’t find any lib around this subjects except some projects in other
>>> smalltalk dialects.
>>> I just wander if somebody has done some work in these field. I’m also
>>> interested in (KISS) design discussions around these topics, hence this
>>> email.
>>> I don’t want to do a full fledged business process middleware. 
>>> I would need :
>>> - a way to represent simple business processes (succession of activities
>>> with logic gates (and/or/xor) => I might be able to do that by myself).
>>> - a way to execute these processes (routines) in a semi-aotumatic manner
>>> => This looks more difficult to do to me.
>>> => my aim is to execute recurrent routines (my routines) with the help of
>>> a Pharo application
>>> For such a system, I also need a way to categorize information context.
>>> Again, I don’t think I need a full fledged ontology implementation like
>>> Description Logic (or whatever). I think I’ll be happy with information
>>> tagging according to a predefined taxonomy. Instead of flat tags, I’d like
>>> them to implement some sort of multiple inheritance. For instance, I may
>>> need a tag #soccer that  "inherit" #sport.    
>>> Any information regarding taxonomy tagging in Pharo ? (Or eventually
>>> ontology?).
>>> TIA,
>>> Cédrick
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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