Am 28.11.17 um 12:46 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:
> Hi Andreas,
> Do you know why method contexts are trying to be serialized? Of course,
> probably because of closures.  Do you think / know / are aware of closures
> as part of your graph? Maybe Sorted Collection?
> I am asking because if the only thing is SortedCollection then we can use
> some hook...

I have closures in several places in the object graph. These are objects
with some pluggable functionality, which I rely on.

Just for my better understanding, I like to ask: The FLMethodChanged
errors will show up for *EVERY* method of a materialized object (Since
the bytecodesHash changed for every method) or just those methods which
involve fuel-persisted MethodContexts? (Sorry, if the question is
stupid, but I am rather new to Fuel internals)


Andreas Brodbeck

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