> On 28 Nov 2017, at 13:52, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 9:31 AM, Andreas Brodbeck <da...@mindclue.ch> wrote:
> Am 28.11.17 um 12:46 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck:
> > Hi Andreas,
> >
> > Do you know why method contexts are trying to be serialized? Of course,
> > probably because of closures.  Do you think / know / are aware of closures
> > as part of your graph? Maybe Sorted Collection?
> > I am asking because if the only thing is SortedCollection then we can use
> > some hook...
> I have closures in several places in the object graph. These are objects
> with some pluggable functionality, which I rely on.
> OK. The question is then if those closures are "clean" or not. In other 
> words, what's their scope? Do they refer to variables defined outside  the 
> closure (in which case you would need the methods contexts / stack) or are 
> they clean in the sense that you could be able to replace them via a string 
> and then compile them again ? 
> Some time ago we added a #isClean to BlockClosure. You can test a few of your 
> closures to see if this is the case or not. 
> Btw, I have an application for a client in which we also have closures to 
> define some pluggable behavior. But what I do is:
> 1) guarantee they are 100% clean (does not go outside of scope) 
> 2) aside from the "block" instVar I also add another instVar which is the 
> "string" version of it. Then I always implement 
> #fuelIgnoredInstanceVariableNames to ignore all those "block" instVars, yet 
> DO NOT ignore the "string" like of those closures. Then, of course, the 
> getter of the block instvar does a lazy compilation if the block instVar is 
> nil...

Ah, that's cheating ;-) 

But totally acceptable with clean blocks.


[ :x :y | x < y ] isClean.

  => true

[ :x :y | x < y ] sourceNode formattedCode.

  => '[ :x :y | x < y ]'


Compiler evaluate: '[ :x :y | x < y ]'.

  => [ :arg1 :arg2 | arg1 < arg2 ]

So the argument names get lost, which seems like a pity. How are you doing it ? 
Can it be done differently ?

> I know you already have your application written, but I am trying to explain 
> how I was able to use Fuel for this case... 
> Just for my better understanding, I like to ask: The FLMethodChanged
> errors will show up for *EVERY* method of a materialized object (Since
> the bytecodesHash changed for every method) or just those methods which
> involve fuel-persisted MethodContexts? (Sorry, if the question is
> stupid, but I am rather new to Fuel internals)
> As far as I can remember, the latter. 
> Cheers,
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Brodbeck
> www.mindclue.ch
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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