Hi guys,

Let me try to explain the current situation. Fuel does check if a closure
is clean or not. If clean, it avoids serializing the whole stack. The way
it does this is to simply clean the outerContext of the block to NOT have a
sender. See methods CompiledMethod >> fuelAccept:
So..a clean closure would avoid serializing the sender and the sender of
the sender and ... the whole stack. But... at the very least it does need
to serialize the outerContext of that closure. That outerContext (even if
the block is clean) has a reference to the method in which the closure was
compiled. See this example:

TestCase compile: 'deleteMe

^ [ :aNumber | Transcript show: aNumber ]'.

(TestCase new perform: #deleteMe) cleanCopy outerContext method.

Do you  see how even a clean closure will still serialize ONE compiled
method? (#deleteMe in this case). That is the method that could have
changed bytecodes (remember that by default, Fuel does NOT fully serialize
the methods if they are installed in classes...it will simply serialize the
necessary information for looking it up at runtime) and that's where Fuel
could bark even for clean closures. But of course, far less chances than
serializing all the methods of the stack.

A more robust solution might be that if the block is clean, then do not
serialize the closure as a closure with a clean context, but as a string
(source). Then at materialization time, compile. The problem is that as far
as I remember we never implemented substitution hook at materialization
(only for serialization) so I don't have a place to hook. Yeah... you could
do a become: with a postMaterialziationAction but that;s too hackish

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Andreas Brodbeck <da...@mindclue.ch> wrote:

> Am 05.12.17 um 17:25 schrieb Sean P. DeNigris:
> > Andreas Brodbeck-3 wrote
> >> --- Searched for some few usages of SortedCollection and made sure, that
> >> there is no sortBlock but only the default sort behaviour.
> >
> > Can't we have Fuel handle the sort block if it's clean? I feel like we
> > discussed this before but can't recall the conclusion…
> Fuel does handle blocks perfectly, as long as you don't upgrade the
> underlying Pharo from version 1.4 to 6.1 (or similar big step), like I
> did... The reason is the change of the bytecodes of a compiled method
> somewhere between 1.4 and 6.1, which will then not materialize correctly
> and raises a FLMethodChanged error. Therefore I had to deal with it,
> like described before.
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Brodbeck
> www.mindclue.ch


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