On the documentation side of things, each translation
could include a page tentively called:

  "English words you want to know"

It could be as simple as a three column table, such as:

| English   | German     | Explanation |
| Constant  | Konstant   | ...         |
| Undefined | Unbestimmt | E_NOTICE... |
| Notice    | Nachricht  | E_NOTICE... |

The explanation column could give the context of the
word although maybe that's overkill.  Also something
to consider is the currently existing tokens page:


Which lists T_SR, T_VARIABLE, etc. And it both
shows some example syntax as well as a link to
the appropriate [translated] manual page.

Also, it seems one should understand the word 'array'
before using functions named array_keys() or array().
And know the word NOTICE because of E_NOTICE...


p.s. please forgive my poor german.

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