Marcus Börger wrote:
> At 22:08 08.12.2002, Mike Robinson wrote:
> >Christoph Grottolo wrote:
> >
> > > It's worse.
> > >
> > > At least PHP 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. have php-cli.exe (CLI) and php.exe
> > > (CGI).
> >
> >This is the way it should stay.
> >I'm trying to find the archive of the discussion that lead to this
> >being changed. I'm having a huge problem getting my head 
> around why the
> >name of the CGI executable has to be changed at all. Any pointers or
> >enlightenment would be welcomed. :)
> >
> >Regards
> >Mike Robinson
> Just because you only need to type the name of the CGI sapi
> once: In other word one single time until we decide the name 
> changes. But you will use a command line interface hopefully 
> very often. I for one do and i am not going to type 
> php-cli.exe because it is way much to long.

Every system on the planet that uses php.exe as their CGI executable,
and I suggest there are quite a few, will have a broken setup with a
stock install of php-4.3.0, because typing php-cli.exe at the command
line is too long. And you expect putting huge notes and warnings in the
news file and installer will prevent this from happening.

> The reason against renaming CGI and using its old name for
> the CLI now would have lead us to register_globals=ON for eternity.

Totally different. Apples and oranges.
That was a security-related change, and IMHO, the amount of trouble
_that_ change caused far outweighed the meagre benefits achieved.

This change is going to break a lot of setups for the sake of cli users
saving a few keystrokes.

Sorry. There's just no way this should happen.

Mike Robinson

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