> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Kalowsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I've heard the arguments for the list, and I can only say they are
> valid reasons.  But you're now making PHP a political project rather
> than a software project.  Thanks.  This is the sort of thing I don't
> want to have to deal with in my personal time.  If you want a private
> list, take PHP out of the Open Source.  If you want to cut down on the
> signal/noise ratio then moderate the list, but don't make it private
> and invite only.

+1. As much as this list is a good thing for advancing development in a sane
way, it creates too many political debates. It causes elitism. In a project
like the ASF, where elitism is almost acceptable, this list would be fine,
however for the PHP project where the emphasis is on community, and allowing
people to get involved, this kind of list just adds bad feelings.

I do not have time or expertise to make PHP5 a reality in the way that Zeev,
Rasmus, Derick or any of the other people on the list do -- i readily admit
that; but I most certainly am interested in the ways that you are taking
PHP5, and if something detrimental was to crop up, (eg, disabling
register_globals entirely, which has been mentioned more than once for PHP5)
, then I would like to be able to add reasoned argument against.

Open up the list so that people can read it, and moderate posts, as you are
continuing too, Andrei.

 -- james

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