Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> Perception and warm fuzzies is an extremely important part of
> a large open source project that relies heavily on a large
> number of volunteers.  Messing with that is playing with fire.

You've hit it bang on.

The clinical name for the 'fire' in this case is "cycle of
alienation", and in any environment that relies on volunteers,
this 'cycle' is almost impossible to avoid. I've been amazed
over the 4+ years since I jumped onto the list how well this
group has been able to circumvent the problems that normally
plague projects of this size and scope. FWIW, the number one
cause of the cycle is information sharing amongst a smaller
subgroup formed from the main group, usually without their
knowledge. In most cases, the result is fatal. The few groups
I've seen actually emerge from an active cycle are irreparably

Mike Robinson

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