On 09/08/2016 17:17, Joe Ferguson wrote:

By “standards for the language” I mean an official (or as close to official as 
it can get)  Standards for the PHP language. PHP has never (as far as I’m 
aware) had a Standards Body. FIG is as close as we’ve come. My observation is 
that FIG 3.0 should skip FIG and become that standards body.

If, by this, you mean FIG (or the new standards group) should become an alternative to php-internal (to discuss the future of the language), I disagree. That kind of group should come from php-internal itself.

I think FIG should just broaden its horizon and not think of just frameworks anymore, but I also think it's the way it is already going. We just need to find the correct formula.

Changing the meaning of the acronym would be easier than changing the whole system around it. Just make it recursive: FIG = FIG Interoperability Group and call it done.

I think Paul's idea is not bad, and it's probably very similar to FIG 3.0.

I'd like to see much less burocracy.

I think FIG should become some kind of hub for PSRs, but also that a -interop group should present itself to FIG in its infancy or before beginning the works, both to inform FIG it's working on standardising something and to inform the community at large, if they want to contribute.

And then periodically inform of progress on the standard definition.

What I would NOT like to see is a -interop group working in the dark for months and then coming here asking for a badge of approval (a PSR number) on something already decided.

An idea could be to have a thin infrastructure defining:

1- when and how a -interop group should present the project to FIG
2- when and how a -interop group should give updates
3- how and who will vote on the final proposal when -interop asks for it

And a set of guidelines for the -interop group to adopt while discussing the standard (could be similar to the current guidelines).


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