Justin French wrote:

If you ONLY wanted to know how to deal with JavaScript variables in PHP,
then perhaps you should have limited your question to just that.  Your
question asked about screen resolutions, which is totally a discussion based
around JavaScript.

If you wanted to know about JavaScript and PHP, you should have asked:

"I have a JavaScript variable containing my user's screen width -- how to I
use this variable within PHP?"

"I what to be able to set a variable based on user's screen resolution." is
open to interpretation, but MY interpretation was that you wanted PHP to
determine the resolution, which can't be done.

This is not a personal attack on you, but I'm sure if you ask exactly what you need to know, and do a little research first, you'll get well formed, non-attacking answers from the group mind :)


on 19/06/03 11:47 AM, Vernon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Not for nothing, but every time I post to this group I get treated poorly.
It has to do with php and I've already gotten an answer from this group, off
the PHP web site no less!


Doesn't take much to spread a little kindness. If you didn't want to
respond, nothing making you.

But if you really want to see what getting treated poorly is like from a mailing list, subscribe to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for qmail. :)

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