On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 21:13, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
> You're using PHP, but not everything you do has to do with PHP!  You may 
> use PHP, but that doesn't mean you post to the PHP list about home 
> decorating!

I have no idea where you folks have gotten the idea that asking how to
get Javascript to interact with PHP would be particularly off-topic
here. Were it the vile transgression this thread has made it out to be,
we probably wouldn't have included the answer in the FAQ.

It wouldn't be all that off-topic on a Javascript list either, but
you'd still have a bunch of guys jumping up and yelling 'Ask on a PHP
list, you loser', without actually providing any useful information. At
worst, give a simple link or direction to a more appropriate resource.

Courtesty does go a long way. You can as easily direct a guy to the
appropriate resource without strutting up and down like some
unsolicited mailing list Rent-A-Cop.

This list is about helping people learn to use PHP. Please use it as

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +1.604.709.0506
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