On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 21:42, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
> Lars Torben Wilson wrote:
> >I have no idea where you folks have gotten the idea that asking how to
> >get Javascript to interact with PHP would be particularly off-topic
> >here. Were it the vile transgression this thread has made it out to be,
> >we probably wouldn't have included the answer in the FAQ.
> >
> That's not the problem, that is on topic.  The problem is asking how to 
> get the resolution from JS.  Find that out first, then ask how to get 
> that value into PHP here.

My reply is off-list.

> >It wouldn't be all that off-topic on a Javascript list either, but
> >you'd still have a bunch of guys jumping up and yelling 'Ask on a PHP
> >list, you loser', without actually providing any useful information. At
> >worst, give a simple link or direction to a more appropriate resource.
> >
> If you did what I said above, what you posted on either list wouldn't be OT.
> >Courtesty does go a long way. You can as easily direct a guy to the
> >appropriate resource without strutting up and down like some
> >unsolicited mailing list Rent-A-Cop.
> >
> Then don't act like an unsolicited mailing list OTer.
> >This list is about helping people learn to use PHP. Please use it as
> >such.
> >
> That's exactly what I'm asking you to do.
> -- 
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> to decrypt it will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +1.604.709.0506
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