--- Nathan Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This problem should be handled by modifying the php.ini. In my
> experience W3C is a whiney bitch that always gets it's way. Just
> throw this code on all your pages (or better yet, in a header) and
> the problem will go away.
> // The communists at W3C don't like the ampersand, so let's make
> sure it isn't used.
> ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&amp;');

I'm sorry, but that's about the most foolish post I've seen on this list, and
I've been around a long time. If you're going to ridicule a standards body like
the W3C, you should at least have some sort of valid reason, and even then a
little tact doesn't hurt. In addition, trying to throw in prejudice and
politics just makes things worse.

The arg_separator.output directive won't fix his problem. That just makes it so
that you can override PHP's default separator of & when it builds a URL for
whatever reason (trasparent session ID propogation, for example). His question
was regarding the fact that he had changed his own code to use &amp; instead of
&. And, of course there is the fact that an HTTP header can't be used to set
php.ini directives, so that recommendation does no good.


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