--- Rob Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That doesn't seem to be what he's saying.
> "because of the different session IDs."
> It seems to me a better example of what he is saying would be:
> http://example.org/foo.php?PHPSESSID=12345
> vs.
> http://example.org/foo.php?PHPSESSID=67890

Perhaps I should have elaborated a bit more.

Browser instance A:
1. Request http://example.org/foo.php
2. PHP assigns PHPSESSID of 12345
3. Returned page has a link for http://example.org/bar.php?PHPSESSID=12345
4. Request http://example.org/bar.php?PHPSESSID=12345

Browser instance B:
1. Request http://example.org/foo.php
2. PHP assigns PHPSESSID of 67890
3. Returned page has a link for http://example.org/bar.php?PHPSESSID=67890
4. Request http://example.org/bar.php?PHPSESSID=67890

Because A4 and B4 are different requests, they get different responses. So, in
a way, the server is able to distinguish between the two instances, but only
because of that. If instance A sends the request in B4, it will get the same
response as instance B would have.

That wasn't a great explanation, but maybe it is at least better than my last

> But I was talking about cookies anyway. Which is where different
> browsers have different behaviors. In IE, by default, it will not
> pass a cookie from a new browser window.

This is very interesting. I might try to research this a bit more and see what
the motivation was for doing this. From a user perspective, it seems very
counterintuitive. Thanks for the info.


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