I will test it, because it seems I don't understand this issue as much as I
could.  But I can already tell you results I see right now:

I open a web browser (IE) and login to my application.  I open another
window (IE) and goto the web application, and it asks me to login.  This is
all on the same computer.  (As I've explained all this before.)  Now,
perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about, and this is a different issue.
If so, I'm pretty sure you'll certainly try to set me straight.  If not,
then it certainly seems relevant to the discussion, and that my one client
(IE) is sending two different requests from two different windows on the
same computer.

  -- Rob

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- Rob Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Test it yourself.
> With all due respect, it seems you should be doing the testing.
> > Login to a PHP app using a standard browser and session cookies
> > and see for yourself. I understand the philosophy of the web
> > server only seeing what the client sends it, but it looks like my
> > client (IE6, right here) does send different requests per instance.
> Then show us these requests and point out how they are different.
Otherwise, I
> have to assume you have no idea what you're talking about.
> Chris
> =====
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>      http://shiflett.org/
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>      http://httphandbook.org/
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