I totally agree.

The cost for Outlook is heaps do you think we what to flush $200(or however
much it is in your country) down the drain???

And note to the ones that say "just switch to another client" well have you
ever worked in a Corporate Enviroment, Companies have their systems locked
down so hard. And just cos someone is a Software Dev doesn't mean they get
any special privs just some extra software to play around with.

For the Fact
Outlook is the Most Used Client in Corporate Enviroments
Outlook is one of the only MS Exchange Supporting Clients for Windows
Over 60% of Personal Computers are running windows

Now lets just say we were to all remove windows and use linux imagine all
the Money that has just going down the drain that we spent on MS

Also there is also the convenience factor of using Reply-To, why can't I
just reply to emails the way I do for my private emails?

You may want to read the following site: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/

Another 2 cents

(Man this discussion is getting expensive for some :P)

Nigel Jones

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:39 PM
>> Subject: RE: [PHP] Add Reply-To to this list(s)
>>      To start out, I'd just like to make an observation. I've noticed
>> that some people in this thread have said how this argument has come up
>> many times, and they would even prefer that people look in the archives
>> to see what the results were of previous discussion. I find the fact
>> that the topic has come up multiple times in itself indicative of what
>> natural human expectations are. On the lists I belong to where responses
>> go only to the list, this topic has never come up before. Some lists I
>> have been on for years and years, and I swear this is the first time I
>> have ever encountered this issue, here on this list which uses this
>> system.
>>      Before I pick out some statements that I'd like to comment
>> directly on, I wanted to point out a trend I've noticed which is an
>> assertion that people who do not like the reply-to-the-author approach
>> as opposed to the reply-to-the-list approach do not understand how to
>> use it properly. Or they do not know how to properly use the "reply to
>> all" button, or other nonsense.
>>      I understand this list, my mail software, and the theory behind
>> the reply-to munging debate very well. Non comprehension or ability are
>> not at issue here. Don't assume that non-agreement equals non
>> understanding.
>> "My opinion is that this is a multi person discussion forum, not a
>> person to person forum."
>>      I agree very strongly with this statement, and most of the email
>> that follows it. If someone posts a question, and gets a private email
>> solving the problem, how does everyone else benefit?
>>      I want other people's answers to be on this list so I can learn,
>> and I want my answers to go to the list so that other people may build
>> on it and add more useful commentary.
>> "If you would stop using M$ Outlook and switch to a better mail
>> client..."
>>      MS Outlook suffers from code bloat, but that does not mean it
>> does not successfully do the task that I acquired it for, which is to
>> receive, send, and filter my email, every day. And it has successfully
>> handled the many mailing lists I belong to, including this one. Blaming
>> the email client is just bias against brands.
>> "Just to add an authoritative answer here.  Mucking up the reply-to
>> header is simply wrong.  I don't really care what arguments you come up
>> with..."
>>      This seems to describe the tone of the debate. The idea of an
>> authority on a matter that is incapable of considering alternate
>> viewpoints seems oxymoronic to me.
>> --
>> Cheers!
>> Dave G
>> --
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