Breaking the list to cater for broken mail clients is a ludicrous

        I don't know who is talking about broken anything, but I'm
certainly not. I don't think this list is broken, or that my email
software is broken, or that anyone else's is, or that other lists that
handle this issue differently are broken...
        Nothing as far as I can see is "broken". Everything is working
in the ways that people are intending them to work. It's the intentions
that are under question. To me the debate is not about what is the way
that any of the software is built, because that can be altered. It's
whether or not the chosen design is the most logical design.
        So far it seems to me that there are two sides on this. On one
side are those who think that educated users of the internet and mail
and mailing lists have this system set up this way because it gives the
best set of options. And on the other side are those who think that
having a reply-to-list option makes more sense because it is a more
natural expectation of how mailing lists work.
        Let's put tribal feelings of allegiance aside. Both points of
view are rational.
        I tend towards the side that follows the "natural expectation"
model because I don't think it comes at the expense of any options. To
me the whole point of a group discussion is the group. So to default to
replying not to the group, but to the individuals in it, seems to run
contrary to the reasons I joined. That is where I am starting from, it's
got nothing to do with anyone's choice of software on either the client
or server side.

Dave G

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