        I read the articles you pointed out. I'm sorry, but I still have
not seen any argument that makes me think that the reply-to-the author
option is better. In another posting I've put forth some of my reasons.

And, what is your opinion regarding "Reply All"?
        Reply all is very useful sometimes. In the case of this mailing
list, however, I see it as redundant. If I hit "Reply All", then the
person I'm responding gets it twice. Once directly, and once on the
list, as this mail I'm writing now does. Since you will get this via the
list, why do you also want to get it directly? 
        In any case, no one is saying that "Reply All" should be deleted
as an option. The more options the better - respond to the list, the
list and the author, the author only... all these options should be
readily available. The debate is over what is the default behaviour. I
maintain that the point of a list is to have open discussion, that
people join precisely for the advantage of participating in a group, and
so the postings should default to going to the group, with secondary
options for posting off list.

Dave G

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