Nigel --

...and then Nigel Jones said...
% I totally agree.

With what?

% The cost for Outlook is heaps do you think we what to flush $200(or however
% much it is in your country) down the drain???

While doing my best to not ridicule your [company's] choice of on what to
spend some money, who is asking you to flush anything?

% And note to the ones that say "just switch to another client" well have you
% ever worked in a Corporate Enviroment, Companies have their systems locked


% down so hard. And just cos someone is a Software Dev doesn't mean they get
% any special privs just some extra software to play around with.

So?  Not only might some of that extra software be a good mail program,
you don't need special privs to use another mail program.

% For the Fact
% Outlook is the Most Used Client in Corporate Enviroments

I'll accept that.  Sucks, doesn't it?

% Outlook is one of the only MS Exchange Supporting Clients for Windows

"One of the only" doesn't say much.  I would hazard a guess that, in
fact, only Outlook or perhaps at the very widest only MS products support
Exchange.  And why on earth should I care about Exchange anyway?  But
that's only if you need Exchange-specific features; Exchange also talks
to "real" mail clients via IMAP and POP3.

% Over 60% of Personal Computers are running windows

While this may or may not be true, it is quite unverified and pretty much

% Now lets just say we were to all remove windows and use linux imagine all
% the Money that has just going down the drain that we spent on MS
% Office,Games,Windows

Aside from the cheering, it hardly matters; you've already thrown the
money "down the drain" anyway because it's been spent.  The *real* win
comes next year when you don't have to pay AGAIN to license crapware for
another year, or when you expand or start or otherwise need software in
the future and don't have to come up with enormous sums of money for it.
But that's beside the point; even though *I* don't need Windows except
for a couple of important-to-me Windows-specific programs (and I
personally would happily rather go and get a Mac and use the Mac version
than bring in a Windows box if I didn't have one), nobody has even hinted
at everyone dumping Windows.

% Also there is also the convenience factor of using Reply-To, why can't I
% just reply to emails the way I do for my private emails?

Because it's not private email, amongst other possible reasons.

% You may want to read the following site:

Although I have read many of the docs on there, I still don't see what
in particular it has to do with this discussion and have on interest in
reading everything there again with this goal in mind.  You may want to
make a somewhat more focused suggestion if it is meant constructively.

% Another 2 cents
% (Man this discussion is getting expensive for some :P)

So let's just stop talking about it and leave the list semantics alone.

% _________________
% Nigel Jones


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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