
ob_start ("ob_gzhandler") is a very cool thing to use. At least when
you write _to much_ code like I do. And it works perfectly....

....most of the time, i.e.

I've got this problem:

My pages start with the gzhandler (see above) to decrease the amount
of data that should be transferred. Nicest thing is that if your
browser doesn't support any compression, the data will be sent
uncompressed. Very cool. But then Netscape... It understand gzip.
Yes it does but they forgot something. At the point that you want to
print out the page your looking at in your browser, Netscape forgets
to unzip the data. Guess what... a whole lot of crap on the paper.
Well not very much ofcourse _BECAUSE IT'S COMPRESSED!!!_

I don't realy like this bug and I'm wondering if someone maybe has
some solution for this....


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