I don't think it's anything to do with HTTP 1.0 or 1.1.
It's simply the fact that NS gets a copy of the website for
everything, all the time.  Resized the window?  OOPS!  Guess
I need a new copy of the file I just got 5 seconds ago!  Stupid
stupid stupid.

I think it's simply down to the fact that no one ever thought
someone would print out a compressed web page, and they never
tested it.  Seeing how long it takes the mozilla project to do anything,
my guess is confirmed more and more as I see no good bug checking
or testing before releases are made.  Couple that with the feature
bloat and mission creep, you can see why something as trivial as
PRINTING never got thoroughly tested.  But MathML.  Wow!
We sure need that...

I'm not dogging all open source stuff.  Apache is still chugging away just
making good progress, imo.  Linux?  Of course.  And PHP.  In the time
since mozilla was announced, PHP went from 3 to 4, had numerous
upgrades, had a company formed around it(!) and has created a new industry
and standard around it.  All because of a relative handful of dedicated
with a common goal.

Stopping my rant now...

Renze Munnik wrote:

> Okay guys I've got a new idea....
> I just found out that NS<5 uses HTTP/1.0 and not HTTP/1.1. Well,
> okay, but that's not _to_ exciting is it?! But... (there's always a
> 'but') IE>=5 uses HTTP/1.1. Now, looking back at the subject being
> discussed in this thread, I'm wondering if that might be the problem
> that arises when using the gzhandler.
> Example....
> On our server we use the multi-views: no extensions required! So,
> instead of calling 'page.php' I just call 'page'. Nothing wrong with
> that, not even for NS. But... (there it is again!) I made the
> following (test) page:
> <HTML>
>  <HEAD>
>   <STYLE type="text/css">
>     BODY {
>        background-color: #ffffff;
>     }
>   </STYLE>
>  </HEAD>
>  <BODY>
>   <? phpinfo(); ?>
>  </BODY>
> </HTML>
> I've named this file 'php-info.php'. So... Now I call this page from
> IE (5) calling 'php-info'. Guess what? Nothing wrong; works
> perfectly! And now the big NS test. S*cks!!! Calling 'php-info' from
> NS provides me the next error:
> ..."no acceptable variant: "...
> This error is server-side and only occurs when using HTTP/1.0. So I
> was wondering if the HTTP/1.0 can also be the cause of the printing
> problem concering the gzhandler?
> If that's the case I should disable the compression for each and
> every browser that uses HTTP/1.0 instead of only disabling it for
> NS.

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