On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 09:53:53AM -0500, Michael Kimsal wrote:
> You REALLY don't want to specifically ignore Netscape users, do you?  :)
> Any browser that can accept gzipped stuff sends a content-accept
> header.  Netscape tells the server it can handle gzipped stuff, so the
> server can send it.  Other browsers (HTTP 1.0, 1.1, or whatever)
> can choose to tell the server what they can accept, regardless
> of HTTP version.
> Netscape can handle the gzipped stuff just fine - they prove it by rendering
> it.
> It's simply their printing logic which is messed up.  Face it -
> just disable gzipping for Netscape users.  JUST DO IT!  Anyone else
> who can't handle gzipped stuff will have the good sense to not
> announce that it can accept it in the headers.
> Renze Munnik wrote:
> > This error is server-side and only occurs when using HTTP/1.0. So I
> > was wondering if the HTTP/1.0 can also be the cause of the printing
> > problem concering the gzhandler?
> >
> > If that's the case I should disable the compression for each and
> > every browser that uses HTTP/1.0 instead of only disabling it for
> > NS.
> >

Hi there Michael,

Eh... No! 'Course I'm not gon' ignore all NS users. I'm just gon'
disable compress'n f'r 'm. I nev'r had (& nev'r will have) the
intens'n of blocking 'm out. But I explicitly off'r the poss. of
print'n out the page, so it must always work. As long as I enable
compress'n, NS-us'rs can't print the page. So... no compress'n for
'm. Or someone sh'ld have a bett'r idea. I mean... NS s'nds the
head'r tellin' my serv'r that it supp'rts gzip -> my serv'r then
s'nds the compress'd page -> then NS rememb'rs it doesn't want to
decompr'ss it and prints the compr'ss'd sh!t.

And bring'n up the whole HTTP-thin' was a stupid idea from my side.
Just forg't to t'st my "theory" prop'rly. Sorry!!

So... f'r n'w I'm g'nna disable compr'ssion f'r NS-us'rs, 'till
someone has anoth'r solut'n.

[sorry 'bout all them '-s, but I'm working to long today....]


* R&zE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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