Yep... You're right (again...). Though I must say that the transfer
_is_ a 'problem'. Not only for NS users, but for most people,
because let's face it; most people still use a modem (39K, 56K...)
for Internet and not the 2Gb line that I have. I've got not problems
with transfer-speed at all, but those people at home will. Ofcourse
I know that making my pages less big would be a good solutions, may
hey... it makes 'm look and works so very nice. What I mean is; I
didn't say that NS transfers slower, but the people who use my sites
have to download a lot of sh%t that I wrote (well, not exactly sh%t,
'cause I do get paid for it) and to speed that up (most
Internet-connections at home s~ck) I wanted to compress the data
being transferred. And the gzhandler was a good sollution. I mean...
HTML still _IS_ plain text and that compresses like reeeeeeaaaaaly
good. And the unzipping on the clientside hardly takes any effort,

But now I'm writing to much.

You're right. That's what this was about. The solution like I have
it now doesn't work for NS; that's for sure. So for the time being
I'll just adjust my 'headers' (cry, cry, cry) so that the gzhandler
isn't used for NS. God I hate this!!!

When ever anyone has _some_ (sort of a) solution for this
afterall... Please, please, please let me know.......

For now: Thanks for the effort(s)!!


Michael Kimsal wrote:
> No problem.  Understood about the table issue, but it's normally not
> the downloading of the HTML that's as much a problem as the rendering,
> in my experience, with netscape.
> I'm the last person who would adopt this attitude, but...
> Check your stats?  How many IE users?  How many NS users?
> The 'solution' is one which by definition CAN'T work with NS.
> It may not be an IE only thing - not sure about opera or lynx or
> konqueror with gzip stuff.  But don't look at it like an IE only thing.
> Just a non-NS thing.  It's their own damn fault.
> If you've got a lot of traffic, the gzip can save a lot of bandwidth.
> Especially if 80% of your traffic is IE anyway.
> Good luck.

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