At 06:27 PM 2/12/2002 -0500, J Smith wrote:
>Last week I looked at some VBScript/ASP code that I kind of need to port to
>PHP. I was mortified.

It is truly appalling, isn't it? ;)  I have actually converted a large 
portion of my companies website from VBScript to PHP....thankfully most of 
the stuff was fairly basic.  For the few pages that were more complex I 
just looked at the end result and "reverse engineered" it rather than 
trying to figure out what the heck the programmers before me were doing.

One good thing about .NET and may be M$ and I may not want to use 
it, but at least the code syntax makes sense to me...curly braces to 
delimit code blocks, semicolons as line terminators, etc. etc.  I figure if 
I'm forced to go M$ I'd much rather use C# that VBScript...

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