On 12 Feb 2002 at 20:28, Michael Sims wrote:

> At 06:27 PM 2/12/2002 -0500, J Smith wrote:
> >Last week I looked at some VBScript/ASP code that I kind of need to port to
> >PHP. I was mortified.
> It is truly appalling, isn't it? ;)  I have actually converted a large 
> portion of my companies website from VBScript to PHP....thankfully most of 
> the stuff was fairly basic.  For the few pages that were more complex I 
> just looked at the end result and "reverse engineered" it rather than 
> trying to figure out what the heck the programmers before me were doing.
> One good thing about .NET and C#...it may be M$ and I may not want to use 
> it, but at least the code syntax makes sense to me...curly braces to 
> delimit code blocks, semicolons as line terminators, etc. etc.  I figure if 
> I'm forced to go M$ I'd much rather use C# that VBScript...

Yeah, but no matter what language you use there is always someone out there they 
can write crap code with it.

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