On 12 Feb 2002, at 13:30, George PHP wrote:

> So you want to say that PHP is going nowhere in the
> States? Maybe we should be doing ASP!

You should probably be doing Java, but oh well. Java on M$ with 
Oracle. I've been hitting the job boards and those are the jobs that 
are jumping out. If you do PHP you should also be doing 
Photoshop and Dreamweaver  and all sorts of other generally 
incompatible things :(

> > I just moved to NYC from Germany and I'm looking for
> > job here.
> > Where would be a good place to look?


Get a list of all the consulting/temp offices in NYC. Put your 
resume, sign up, etc. with all of them.


That redguide seemed like a real good idea but it doesn't look like 
it has kept up but the above article is good.

I don't live in NYC but I just did a quick search and found this:


Don't sit at home and work the internet (do that at night perhaps). 
You really have to make contact with people and build up those 
networking skills. I've been looking for a job for about 4 months now 
but I've only been using the web.  I get a little work from the local 
RHIC office. My skills are Perl/PHP (and only with a month of PHP 
but I scored higher on that test than Perl which I've been using for 7 
years:) ... Demand is in Java. And of course demand is in that 
which doesn't exist and so be prepared to bullshit. 

Were I you I'd take just about any job that is related just to get out 
and make contacts. Only reason I'm not doing this yet is because 
I'm working on ... gosh ... on creating a website that will make me 
money :):) ... I think I've got a good idea and if I make 1/3 of my 
previous incomes then I'd be happy as I could work from anywhere 
(like where costs are 1/5 of where I'm living now).  I have found no 
luck at online freelance programming even though I did manage to 
pull in over US$500 a month doing this in my free time a few years 
ago. Now ... nothing. Incredible. 

Hit the pavement. See if there is some local PHP group (like a Perl 
mongers group) or a linux users group if you're into that. Talk to 


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
                -- Philip K. Dick

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