On 08/11/02, "Gabor Hojtsy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as I know, what we already discussed, is that we would not like
> to see these kind of organization (docpart.subpart.xml), instead
> we would like to see docpart/subpart.xml, which would make the overcrowded
> chapters dir free of streams...

Could you prepare the structure for this?
I'm still a "phpdoc newbie", and somewhat pressed for time, so if
you could create the new directories and touch empty files with the
appropriate name (or even create skeleton files that will "build"
correctly), and add the relevant magic to manual.xml.in, I will add the
updated docs in the correct place.

I would really appreciate that: my time for PHP is currently extremely
limited, and I'd rather spend it being productive as there is quite
a lot to document in the streams API :-)

I think the overall structure will look something like this (in terms
of TOC):

o- Streams API for PHP extension authors
   o- Using Streams
   o- Stream Contexts and Notifcation Handlers
   o- Implementing Streams
   o- Implementing Wrappers
   o- Function Reference
      o- Common API
      o- Dir API
      o- File API
      o- Socket API
      o- Memory API
   o- Wrapper Reference
      o- HTTP/HTTPS
      o- FTP
      o- zlib
      o- BZip2
   o- Structure Reference

Each "o-" represents a collection of "pages" and sub-sections.
(I'm new to docbook, so I'm not up to speed on the correct

I've got some pending changes on the files that are already committed,
so please dont delete those just yet - it'll just make things harder
when I next update from CVS.  I'll delete them when we've got this
stuff in the right place.

One thing I have noticed while writing these docs is that the
<function> element does not automatically link to the <refentry>
element (as it does for PHP functions).  I presume that this is
to do with the names I have chosen for their id attributes?
Since these functions are C functions, rather than PHP functions,
I wanted to be sure that I didn't collide with the PHP function
namespace.  Should I not worry about that and adopt the function.xxx
naming for my refentry IDs?

Also, I need to document C structures; do you have some guidelines
for this?  I discovered <structname> and <structfield> elements,
but I don't have any real documentation on how they are used,
and there doesn't seem to be a way to describe array members
correctly.  Should I just stick to using a <programlisting role="c">
element to contain the relevant structures from the C headers?

> Sorry that I can reply just today, but I was on a wedding and on the
> wedding party after it so I was not with my computer ;)

No problem ;-)


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