wez             Sat Aug 10 19:38:41 2002 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /phpdoc/en/chapters streams.common.xml streams.file.xml streams.xml 
                        streams.constants.xml streams.structs.xml 
                        streams.socket.xml streams.dir.xml 

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc     manual.xml.in 
  Add docs for streams.
  Note: some wizard might need to juggle things so that it belongs in a part
  of it's own or something: I'm no doc guru.
Index: phpdoc/manual.xml.in
diff -u phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.131 phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.132
--- phpdoc/manual.xml.in:1.131  Sat Aug  3 22:39:11 2002
+++ phpdoc/manual.xml.in        Sat Aug 10 19:38:40 2002
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
+ &chapters.streams;
  <part id="faq">

Index: phpdoc/en/chapters/streams.common.xml
+++ phpdoc/en/chapters/streams.common.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- $Revision: 1.1 $ -->
<!-- Author: Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Please contact me before making any major amendments to the
  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).
 <sect1 id="stream.common-api">
    <title>Streams Common API Reference</title>
  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-stat-path">
    <refpurpose>Gets the status for a file or URL</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
      <function>php_stream_stat_path</function> examines the file or URL specified by 
      and returns information such as file size, access and creation times and so on.
      The return value is 0 on success, -1 on error.
      For more information about the information returned, see
      <link linkend="streams.struct-php-stream-statbuf">php_stream_statbuf</link>.
  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-stat">
    <refpurpose>Gets the status for the underlying storage associated with a 
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <function>php_stream_stat</function> examines the storage to which 
      is bound, and returns information such as file size, access and creation times 
and so on.
      The return value is 0 on success, -1 on error.
      For more information about the information returned, see
      <link linkend="streams.struct-php-stream-statbuf">php_stream_statbuf</link>.
  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-open-wrapper">
    <refpurpose>Opens a stream on a file or URL</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_open_wrapper</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>mode</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char **</type><parameter>opened</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_open_wrapper</function> opens a stream on the file, URL or
     other wrapped resource specified by <parameter>path</parameter>.  Depending on
     the value of <parameter>mode</parameter>, the stream may be opened for reading,
     writing, appending or combinations of those. See the table below for the different
     modes that can be used; in addition to the characters listed below, you may
     include the character 'b' either as the second or last character in the mode 
     The presence of the 'b' character informs the relevant stream implementation to
     open the stream in a binary safe mode.
     The 'b' character is ignored on all POSIX conforming systems which treat
     binary and text files in the same way.  It is a good idea to specify the 'b'
     character whenever your stream is accessing data where the full 8 bits
     are important, so that your code will work when compiled on a system
     where the 'b' flag is important.
     Any local files created by the streams API will have their initial permissions set
     according to the operating system defaults - under UNIX based systems
     this means that the umask of the process will be used.  Under Windows,
     the file will be owned by the creating process.
     Any remote files will be created according to the URL wrapper that was
     used to open the file, and the credentials supplied to the remote server.
         Open text file for reading.  The stream is positioned at the beginning of
         the file.
         Open text file for reading and writing.  The stream is positioned at the 
beginning of
         the file.

         Truncate the file to zero length or create text file for writing.
         The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file.
         Open text file for reading and writing.  The file is created if
         it does not exist, otherwise it is truncated. The stream is positioned at
         the beginning of the file.
         Open for writing.  The file is created if it does not exist.
         The stream is positioned at the end of the file.
         Open text file for reading and writing.  The file is created if
         it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file.
     <parameter>options</parameter> affects how the path/URL of the stream is
     interpreted, safe mode checks and actions taken if there is an error during 
     of the stream.  See <link linkend="streams.options">Stream open options</link> for
     more information about options.
     If <parameter>opened</parameter> is not NULL, it will be set to a string 
     the name of the actual file/resource that was opened.  This is important when the
     options include <constant>USE_PATH</constant>, which causes the include_path to 
be searched for the
     file.  You, the caller, are responsible for calling <function>efree</function> on
     the filename returned in this parameter.
      If you specified <constant>STREAM_MUST_SEEK</constant> in 
      the path returned in <parameter>opened</parameter> may not be the name of the
      actual stream that was returned to you.  It will, however, be the name of the 
      resource from which the seekable stream was manufactured.
  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-read">
    <refpurpose>Read a number of bytes from a stream into a buffer</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>buf</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_read</function> reads up to <parameter>count</parameter>
     bytes of data from <parameter>stream</parameter> and copies them into the
     buffer <parameter>buf</parameter>.
     <function>php_stream_read</function> returns the number of bytes that were
     read successfully.  There is no distinction between a failed read or an 
     condition - use <function>php_stream_eof</function> to test for an 
     The internal position of the stream is advanced by the number of bytes that were
     read, so that subsequent reads will continue reading from that point.
     If less than <parameter>count</parameter> bytes are available to be read, this
     call will block (or wait) until the required number are available, depending on 
     blocking status of the stream.  By default, a stream is opened in blocking mode.
     When reading from regular files, the blocking mode will not usually make any
     difference: when the stream reaches the <constant>EOF</constant>
     <function>php_stream_read</function> will return a value less than
     <parameter>count</parameter>, and 0 on subsequent reads.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-write">
    <refpurpose>Write a number of bytes from a buffer to a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>const char *</type><parameter>buf</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_write</function> writes <parameter>count</parameter>
     bytes of data from <parameter>buf</parameter> into <parameter>stream</parameter>.
     <function>php_stream_write</function> returns the number of bytes that were
     read successfully.  If there was an error, the number of bytes written will be
     less than <parameter>count</parameter>.
     The internal position of the stream is advanced by the number of bytes that were
     written, so that subsequent writes will continue writing from that point.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-eof">
    <refpurpose>Check for an end-of-file condition on a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_eof</function> checks for an end-of-file condition
     on <parameter>stream</parameter>.
     <function>php_stream_read</function> returns the 1 to indicate
     <constant>EOF</constant>,  0 if there is no <constant>EOF</constant> and -1 to 
indicate an error.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-getc">
    <refpurpose>Read a single byte from a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_getc</function> reads a single character from
     <parameter>stream</parameter> and returns it as an unsigned char cast
     as an int, or <constant>EOF</constant> if the end-of-file is reached, or an error 
     <function>php_stream_getc</function> may block in the same way as
     <function>php_stream_read</function> blocks.
     The internal position of the stream is advanced by 1 if successful.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-gets">
    <refpurpose>Read a line of data from a stream into a buffer</refpurpose>
      <type>char *</type><methodname>php_stream_gets</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>buf</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_gets</function> reads up to <parameter>count</parameter>-1
     bytes of data from <parameter>stream</parameter> and copies them into the
     buffer <parameter>buf</parameter>.  Reading stops after an 
     or a newline.  If a newline is read, it is stored in <parameter>buf</parameter> 
as part of
     the returned data.  A NUL terminating character is stored as the last character
     in the buffer.
     <function>php_stream_read</function> returns <parameter>buf</parameter>
     when successful or NULL otherwise.
     The internal position of the stream is advanced by the number of bytes that were
     read, so that subsequent reads will continue reading from that point.
     This function may block in the same way as <function>php_stream_read</function>.  

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-close">
    <refpurpose>Close a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_close</function> safely closes <parameter>stream</parameter>
     and releases the resources associated with it.  After 
     has been closed, it's value is undefined and should not be used.
     <function>php_stream_close</function> returns 0 if the stream was closed or
     <constant>EOF</constant> to indicate an error.  Regardless of the success of the 
     <parameter>stream</parameter> is undefined and should not be used after a call to
      this function.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-flush">
    <refpurpose>Flush stream buffers to storage</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_flush</function> causes any data held in
     write buffers in <parameter>stream</parameter> to be committed to the
     underlying storage.
     <function>php_stream_flush</function> returns 0 if the buffers were flushed,
     or if the buffers did not need to be flushed, but returns <constant>EOF</constant>
     to indicate an error.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-seek">
    <refpurpose>Reposition a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_seek</function> repositions the internal
     position of <parameter>stream</parameter>.
     The new position is determined by adding the <parameter>offset</parameter>
     to the position indicated by <parameter>whence</parameter>.
     If <parameter>whence</parameter> is set to <constant>SEEK_SET</constant>,
     <constant>SEEK_CUR</constant> or <constant>SEEK_END</constant> the offset
     is relative to the start of the stream, the current position or the end of the 
stream, respectively.
     <function>php_stream_seek</function> returns 0 on success, but -1 if there was an 
     Not all streams support seeking, although the streams API will emulate a seek if
     <parameter>whence</parameter> is set to <constant>SEEK_CUR</constant>
     and <parameter>offset</parameter> is positive, by calling 
     to read (and discard) <parameter>offset</parameter> bytes.
      The emulation is only applied when the underlying stream implementation does not
      support seeking.  If the stream is (for example) a file based stream that is 
      a non-seekable pipe, the streams api will not apply emulation because the file 
      stream implements a seek operation; the seek will fail and an error result will 
      returned to the caller.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-tell">
    <refpurpose>Determine the position of a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_tell</function> returns the internal position of
     <parameter>stream</parameter>, relative to the start of the stream.
     If there is an error, -1 is returned.

 <refentry id="streams.php-stream-copy-to-stream">
    <refpurpose>Copy data from one stream to another</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>src</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>dest</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_copy_to_stream</function> attempts to read up to 
      bytes of data from <parameter>src</parameter> and write them to 
      and returns the number of bytes that were successfully copied.
     If you want to copy all remaining data from the <parameter>src</parameter> 
stream, pass the
     constant <constant>PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL</constant> as the value of 
      This function will attempt to copy the data in the most efficient manner, using 
memory mapped
      files when possible.

 <refentry id="streams.php-stream-copy-to-mem">
    <refpurpose>Copy data from stream and into an allocated buffer</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>src</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char **</type><parameter>buf</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_copy_to_mem</function> allocates a buffer 
     bytes in length using <function>pemalloc</function> (passing 
     It then reads <parameter>maxlen</parameter> bytes from <parameter>src</parameter> 
and stores
     them in the allocated buffer.
     The allocated buffer is returned in <parameter>buf</parameter>, and the number of 
bytes successfully
     read.  You, the caller, are responsible for freeing the buffer by passing it and 
     to <function>pefree</function>.
     If you want to copy all remaining data from the <parameter>src</parameter> 
stream, pass the
     constant <constant>PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL</constant> as the value of 
      This function will attempt to copy the data in the most efficient manner, using 
memory mapped
      files when possible.

 <refentry id="streams.php-stream-make-seekable">
    <refpurpose>Convert a stream into a stream is seekable</refpurpose>
     <function>php_stream_make_seekable</function> checks if 
<parameter>origstream</parameter> is
     seekable.   If it is not, it will copy the data into a new temporary stream.
     If successful, <parameter>newstream</parameter> is always set to the stream that 
is valid to use, even if the original
     stream was seekable.
     <parameter>flags</parameter> allows you to specify your preference for the 
seekeable stream that is
     returned: use <constant>PHP_STREAM_NO_PREFERENCE</constant> to use the default 
seekable stream
     (which uses a dynamically expanding memory buffer, but switches to temporary file 
backed storage
     when the stream size becomes large), or use 
<constant>PHP_STREAM_PREFER_STDIO</constant> to
     use "regular" temporary file backed storage.
      <title><function>php_stream_make_seekable</function> return values</title>
      <tgroup cols="2">

         <entry>Original stream was seekable anyway. <parameter>newstream</parameter> 
is set to the value
          of <parameter>origstream</parameter>.

         <entry>Original stream was not seekable and has been released. 
<parameter>newstream</parameter> is set to the
          new seekable stream.  You should not access 
<parameter>origstream</parameter> anymore.

         <entry>An error occurred while attempting conversion. 
<parameter>newstream</parameter> is set to NULL;
          <parameter>origstream</parameter> is still valid.

         <entry>An error occurred while attempting conversion that has left 
<parameter>origstream</parameter> in
         an indeterminate state. <parameter>newstream</parameter> is set to NULL and 
it is highly recommended
         that you close <parameter>origstream</parameter>.
      If you need to seek and write to the stream, it does not make sense to use this 
function, because the stream
      it returns is not guaranteed to be bound to the same resource as the original 
      If you only need to seek forwards, there is no need to call this function, as 
the streams API will emulate
      forward seeks when the whence parameter is <constant>SEEK_CUR</constant>.
      If <parameter>origstream</parameter> is network based, this function will block 
until the whole contents
      have been downloaded.
      NEVER call this function with an <parameter>origstream</parameter> that is 
reference by a file pointer
      in a PHP script!  This function may cause the underlying stream to be closed 
which could cause a crash
      when the script next accesses the file pointer!
     In many cases, this function can only succeed when 
<parameter>origstream</parameter> is a newly opened
     stream with no data buffered in the stream layer.  For that reason, and because 
this function is complicated to
     use correctly, it is recommended that you use 
<function>php_stream_open_wrapper</function> and pass in
     <constant>PHP_STREAM_MUST_SEEK</constant> in your options instead of calling this 
function directly.

<refentry id="streams.php-stream-cast">
    <refpurpose>Convert a stream into another form, such as a FILE* or 
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>void **</type><parameter>ret</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_cast</function> attempts to convert 
<parameter>stream</parameter> into
     a resource indicated by <parameter>castas</parameter>.
     If <parameter>ret</parameter> is NULL, the stream is queried to find out if such 
a conversion is
     possible, without actually performing the conversion (however, some internal 
stream state *might*
     be changed in this case).
     If <parameter>flags</parameter> is set to <constant>REPORT_ERRORS</constant>, an 
     message will be displayed is there is an error during conversion.
         This function returns <constant>SUCCESS</constant> for success or 
         for failure.  Be warned that you must explicitly compare the return value 
with <constant>SUCCESS</constant>
         or <constant>FAILURE</constant> because of the underlying values of those 
constants. A simple
         boolean expression will not be interpreted as you intended.
      <title>Resource types for <parameter>castas</parameter></title>
      <tgroup cols="2">
         <entry>Requests an ANSI FILE* that represents the stream</entry>
         <entry>Requests a POSIX file descriptor that represents the stream</entry>
         <entry>Requests a network socket descriptor that represents the stream</entry>
     In addition to the basic resource types above, the conversion process can be 
altered by using the
     following flags by using the OR operator to combine the resource type with one or 
more of the
     following values:
      <title>Resource types for <parameter>castas</parameter></title>
      <tgroup cols="2">
         <entry>Tries as hard as possible, at the expense of additional resources, to 
ensure that the conversion succeeds</entry>
         <entry>Informs the streams API that some other code (possibly a third party 
library) will be responsible for closing the
         underlying handle/resource.  This causes the <parameter>stream</parameter> to 
be closed in such a way the underlying
         handle is preserved and returned in <parameter>ret</parameter>.  If this 
function succeeds, <parameter>stream</parameter>
         should be considered closed and should no longer be used.
      If your system supports <function>fopencookie</function> (systems using glibc 2 
or later), the streams API
      will always be able to synthesize an ANSI FILE* pointer over any stream.
      While this is tremendously useful for passing any PHP stream to any third-party 
libraries, such behaviour is not
      portable.  You are requested to consider the portability implications before 
distributing you extension.
      If the fopencookie synthesis is not desireable, you should query the stream to 
see if it naturally supports FILE*
      by using <function>php_stream_is</function>
      If you ask a socket based stream for a FILE*, the streams API will use 
<function>fdopen</function> to
      create it for you.  Be warned that doing do may cause data that was buffered in 
the streams layer to be
      lost if you intermix streams API calls with ANSI stdio calls.
     See also <function>php_stream_is</function> and 
<refentry id="streams.php-stream-can-cast">
    <refpurpose>Determines if a stream can be converted into another form, such as a 
FILE* or socket</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     This function is equivalent to calling <function>php_stream_cast</function> with 
     set to NULL and <parameter>flags</parameter> set to 0.
     It returns <constant>SUCCESS</constant> if the stream can be converted into the 
form requested, or
     <constant>FAILURE</constant> if the conversion cannot be performed.
      Although this function will not perform the conversion, some internal stream 
state *might* be
      changed by this call.
      You must explicity compare the return value of this function with one of the 
constants, as described
      in <function>php_stream_cast</function>.
     See also <function>php_stream_cast</function> and 

<refentry id="streams.php-stream-is-persistent">
    <refpurpose>Determines if a stream is a persistent stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_is_persistent</function> returns 1 if the stream is a 
persistent stream,
     0 otherwise.

<refentry id="streams.php-stream-is">
    <refpurpose>Determines if a stream is of a particular type</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_is</function> returns 1 if <parameter>stream</parameter> is 
     the type specified by <parameter>istype</parameter>, or 0 otherwise.
      <title>Values for <parameter>istype</parameter></title>
      <tgroup cols="2">
         <entry>The stream is implemented using the stdio implementation</entry>
         <entry>The stream is implemented using the network stream 
         <entry>The stream is implemented using the userspace object 
         <entry>The stream is implemented using the grow-on-demand memory stream 

      The PHP_STREAM_IS_XXX "constants" are actually defined as pointers to the 
      stream operations structure.  If your extension (or some other extension) 
defines additional
      streams, it should also declare a PHP_STREAM_IS_XXX constant in it's header file 
that you
      can use as the basis of this comparison.
      This function is implemented as a simple (and fast) pointer comparision, and 
does not change
      the stream state in any way.
     See also <function>php_stream_cast</function> and 
  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-passthru">
    <refpurpose>Outputs all remaining data from a stream</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>php_stream *</type><parameter>stream</parameter></methodparam>
      <function>php_stream_passthru</function> outputs all remaining data from 
      to the active output buffer and returns the number of bytes output.
      If buffering is disabled, the data is written straight to the output, which is 
the browser making the
      request in the case of PHP on a web server, or stdout for CLI based PHP.
      This function will use memory mapped files if possible to help improve 

  <refentry id="streams.php-register-url-stream-wrapper">
    <refpurpose>Registers a wrapper with the Streams API</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>protocol</parameter></methodparam>
      <function>php_register_url_stream_wrapper</function> registers 
      as the handler for the protocol specified by <parameter>protocol</parameter>.
       If you call this function from a loadable module, you *MUST* call 
       in your module shutdown function, otherwise PHP will crash.

  <refentry id="streams.php-unregister-url-stream-wrapper">
    <refpurpose>Un-registers a wrapper from the Streams API</refpurpose>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>protocol</parameter></methodparam>
      <function>php_unregister_url_stream_wrapper</function> unregisters the wrapper
      associated with <parameter>protocol</parameter>.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-open-wrapper-ex">
    <refpurpose>Opens a stream on a file or URL, specifying context</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_open_wrapper_ex</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>mode</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char **</type><parameter>opened</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_open_wrapper_ex</function> is exactly like
     <function>php_stream_open_wrapper</function>, but allows you to specify a
     php_stream_context object using <parameter>context</parameter>.
     To find out more about stream contexts, see XXX

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-open-wrapper-as-file">
    <refpurpose>Opens a stream on a file or URL, and converts to a FILE*</refpurpose>
      <type>FILE *</type><methodname>php_stream_open_wrapper_as_file</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>mode</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char **</type><parameter>opened</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_open_wrapper_as_file</function> is exactly like
     <function>php_stream_open_wrapper</function>, but converts the stream
     into an ANSI stdio FILE* and returns that instead of the stream.
     This is a convenient shortcut for extensions that pass FILE* to third-party 


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<!-- $Revision: 1.1 $ -->
<!-- Author: Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Please contact me before making any major amendments to the
  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

 <sect1 id="streams.file-api">
  <title>Streams File API Reference</title>

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-fopen-from-file">
    <refpurpose>Convert an ANSI FILE* into a stream</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_fopen_from_file</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>FILE *</type><parameter>file</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>mode</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_fopen_from_file</function> returns a stream based on the
     <parameter>file</parameter>. <parameter>mode</parameter> must be the same
     as the mode used to open <parameter>file</parameter>, otherwise strange errors
     may occur when trying to write when the mode of the stream is different from the 
     on the file.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-fopen-tmpfile">
    <refpurpose>Open a FILE* with tmpfile() and convert into a stream</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_fopen_tmpfile</methodname>
     <function>php_stream_fopen_from_file</function> returns a stream based on a
     temporary file opened with a mode of "w+b".  The temporary file will be deleted
     automatically when the stream is closed or the process terminates.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-fopen-temporary-file">
    <refpurpose>Generate a temporary file name and open a stream on it</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_fopen_temporary_file</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>const char *</type><parameter>dir</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>const char *</type><parameter>pfx</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>char **</type><parameter>opened</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_fopen_temporary_file</function> generates a temporary file 
     in the directory specified by <parameter>dir</parameter> and with a prefix of 
     The generated file name is returns in the <parameter>opened</parameter> 
parameter, which you
     are responsible for cleaning up using <function>efree</function>.
     A stream is opened on that generated filename in "w+b" mode.
     The file is NOT automatically deleted; you are responsible for unlinking or 
moving the file when you have
     finished with it.


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  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

<chapter id="streams">
 <title>Streams API for PHP Extension Authors</title>

 <sect1 id="streams.overview">
   The PHP Streams API introduces a unified approach to the handling of
   files and sockets in PHP extension.  Using a single API with standard
   functions for common operations, the streams API allows your extension
   to access files, sockets, URLs, memory and script-defined objects.
   Streams is a run-time extensible API that allows dynamically loaded
   modules (and scripts!) to register new streams.
   The aim of the Streams API is to make it comfortable for developers to
   open files, urls and other streamable data sources with a unified API
   that is easy to understand.  The API is more or less based on the ANSI
   C stdio family of functions (with identical semantics for most of the main
   functions), so C programmers will have a feeling of familiarity with streams.
    The streams API operates on a couple of different levels: at the base level,
    the API defines php_stream objects to represent streamable data sources.
    On a slightly higher level, the API defines php_stream_wrapper objects
    which "wrap" around the lower level API to provide support for retrieving
    data and meta-data from URLs.
   Streams can be cast (converted) into other types of file-handles, so that they
   can be used with third-pary libraries without a great deal of trouble.  This
   allows those libraries to access data directly from URL sources.  If your
   system has the <function>fopencookie</function> function, you can even
   pass any PHP stream to any library that uses ANSI stdio!

 <sect1 id="streams.basics">
  <title>Streams Basics</title>
   Using streams is very much like using ANSI stdio functions.  The main
   difference is in how you obtain the stream handle to begin with.
   In most cases, you will use <function>php_stream_open_wrapper</function>
   to obtain the stream handle.  This function works very much like fopen,
   as can be seen from the example below:
      <title>simple stream example that displays the PHP home page</title>
      <programlisting role="c">
php_stream * stream = php_stream_open_wrapper("http://www.php.net";, "rb", 
if (stream) {
    while(!php_stream_eof(stream)) {
        char buf[1024];
        if (php_stream_gets(stream, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
        } else {
   The table below shows the Streams equivalents of the more common ANSI stdio 
   Unless noted otherwise, the semantics of the functions are identical.
      <title>ANSI stdio equivalent functions in the Streams API</title>
      <tgroup cols="3">
         <entry>ANSI Stdio Function</entry>
         <entry>PHP Streams Function</entry>

         <entry>Streams includes additional parameters</entry>



         <entry>The nmemb parameter is assumed to have a value of 1, so the prototype 
looks more like read(2)</entry>

         <entry>The nmemb parameter is assumed to have a value of 1, so the prototype 
looks more like write(2)</entry>








         <entry>Same semantics as puts, NOT fputs</entry>

         <entry>Streams has a richer stat structure</entry>

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  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

 <sect1 id="streams.constants">
  <title>Streams Constants</title>
  <refentry id="streams.options">
    <refname>Stream open options</refname>
    <refpurpose>Affects the operation of stream factory functions</refpurpose>
     One or more of these values can be combined using the OR operator.
         This is the default option for streams; it requests that the include_path is
         not to be searched for the requested file.

         Requests that the include_path is to be searched for the requested file.

         Requests that registered URL wrappers are to be ignored when opening the
         stream.  Other non-URL wrappers will be taken into consideration when
         decoding the path.  There is no opposite form for this flag; the streams
         API will use all registered wrappers by default.

         On Windows systems, this is equivalent to IGNORE_URL.
         On all other systems, this flag has no effect.
         Requests that the underlying stream implementation perform safe_mode
         checks on the file before opening the file.  Omitting this flag will skip
         safe_mode checks and allow opening of any file that the PHP process
         has rights to access.

         If this flag is set, and there was an error during the opening of the file
         or URL, the streams API will call the php_error function for you.  This
         is useful because the path may contain username/password information
         that should not be displayed in the browser output (it would be a
         security risk to do so).  When the streams API raises the error, it first
         strips username/password information from the path, making the error
         message safe to display in the browser.

         This flag is useful when your extension really must be able to randomly
         seek around in a stream.  Some streams may not be seekable in their
         native form, so this flag asks the streams API to check to see if the
         stream does support seeking.  If it does not, it will copy the stream
         into temporary storage (which may be a temporary file or a memory
         stream) which does support seeking.
         Please note that this flag is not useful when you want to seek the
         stream and write to it, because the stream you are accessing might
         not be bound to the actual resource you requested.
          If the requested resource is network based, this flag will cause the
          opener to block until the whole contents have been downloaded.

         If your extension is using a third-party library that expects a FILE* or
         file descriptor, you can use this flag to request the streams API to
         open the resource but avoid buffering.  You can then use
         <function>php_stream_cast</function> to retrieve the FILE* or
         file descriptor that the library requires.
         The is particularly useful when accessing HTTP URLs where the start
         of the actual stream data is found after an indeterminate offset into
         the stream.
         Since this option disables buffering at the streams API level, you
         may experience lower performance when using streams functions
         on the stream; this is deemed acceptable because you have told
         streams that you will be using the functions to match the underlying
         stream implementation.
         Only use this option when you are sure you need it.



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  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

 <sect1 id="streams.structs">
  <title>Streams Structures</title>

  <refentry id="streams.struct-php-stream-statbuf">
    <refname>struct php_stream_statbuf</refname>
    <refpurpose>Holds information about a file or URL</refpurpose>
     <type>struct stat</type> <structfield>sb</structfield>
     <structfield>sb</structfield> is a regular, system defined, struct stat.

  <refentry id="streams.struct-php-stream-dirent">
    <refname>struct php_stream_dirent</refname>
    <refpurpose>Holds information about a single file during dir scanning</refpurpose>
     <type>char</type> <structfield>d_name[MAXPATHLEN]</structfield>
     <structfield>d_name</structfield> holds the name of the file, relative to the 
     being scanned.


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  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

 <sect1 id="streams.socket-api">
  <title>Streams Socket API Reference</title>

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-sock-open-from-socket">
    <refpurpose>Convert a socket descriptor into a stream</refpurpose>
     <function>php_stream_sock_open_from_socket</function> returns a stream based on 
     <parameter>socket</parameter>. <parameter>persistent</parameter> is a flag that
     controls whether the stream is opened as a persistent stream.  Generally 
speaking, this parameter
     will usually be 0.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-sock-open-host">
    <refpurpose>Open a connection to a host and return a stream</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_sock_open_host</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>const char *</type><parameter>host</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>unsigned short</type><parameter>port</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>struct timeval 
     <function>php_stream_sock_open_host</function> establishes a connect to the 
     <parameter>host</parameter> and <parameter>port</parameter>. 
     specifies the connection semantics that should apply to the connection. Values for
     <parameter>socktype</parameter> are system dependent, but will usually include 
(at a minimum)
     <constant>SOCK_STREAM</constant> for sequenced, reliable, two-way connection 
based streams (TCP),
     or <constant>SOCK_DGRAM</constant> for connectionless, unreliable messages of a 
fixed maximum
     length (UDP).
     <parameter>persistent</parameter> is a flag the controls whether the stream is 
opened as a persistent
     stream. Generally speaking, this parameter will usually be 0.
     If not NULL, <parameter>timeout</parameter> specifies a maximum time to allow for 
the connection to be made.
     If the connection attempt takes longer than the timeout value, the connection 
attempt is aborted and
     NULL is returned to indicate that the stream could not be opened.
      The timeout value does not include the time taken to perform a DNS lookup. The 
reason for this is
      because there is no portable way to implement a non-blocking DNS lookup.
      The timeout only applies to the connection phase; if you need to set timeouts 
for subsequent read
      or write operations, you should use 
<function>php_stream_sock_set_timeout</function> to configure
      the timeout duration for your stream once it has been opened.
     The streams API places no restrictions on the values you use for 
     but encourages you to consider the portability of values you choose before you 
release your

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-sock-open-unix">
    <refpurpose>Open a UNIX domain socket and convert into a stream</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_sock_open_unix</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>const char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
      <methodparam><type>struct timeval 
     <function>php_stream_sock_open_unix</function> attempts to open the UNIX domain 
      specified by <parameter>path</parameter>.  <parameter>pathlen</parameter> 
specifies the
      length of <parameter>path</parameter>.
      If <parameter>timeout</parameter> is not NULL, it specifies a timeout period for 
the connection attempt.
      <parameter>persistent</parameter> indicates if the stream should be opened as a 
      stream. Generally speaking, this parameter will usually be 0.
       This function will not work under Windows, which does not implement unix domain 
       A possible exception to this rule is if your PHP binary was built using cygwin. 
 You are encouraged
       to consider this aspect of the portability of your extension before it's 
       This function treats <parameter>path</parameter> in a binary safe manner, 
suitable for
       use on systems with an abstract namespace (such as Linux), where the first 
       of path is a NUL character.


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  content of this section.  Splitting/Merging are fine if they are
  required for php-doc restructuring purposes - just drop me a line
  if you make a change (so I can update my local copy).

 <sect1 id="streams.dir-api">
  <title>Streams Dir API Reference</title>
   The functions listed in this section work on local files, as well as remote files
   (provided that the wrapper supports this functionality!).

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-opendir">
    <refpurpose>Open a directory for file enumeration</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream *</type><methodname>php_stream_opendir</methodname>
      <methodparam><type>char *</type><parameter>path</parameter></methodparam>
     <function>php_stream_opendir</function> returns a stream that can be used to list 
     files that are contained in the directory specified by 
     This function is functionally equivalent to POSIX <function>opendir</function>.
     Although this function returns a php_stream object, it is not recommended to
     try to use the functions from the common API on these streams.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-readdir">
    <refpurpose>Fetch the next directory entry from an opened dir</refpurpose>
      <type>php_stream_dirent *</type><methodname>php_stream_readdir</methodname>
     <function>php_stream_readdir</function> reads the next directory entry
     from <parameter>dirstream</parameter> and stores it into 
     If the function succeeds, the return value is <parameter>ent</parameter>.
     If the function fails, the return value is NULL.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-rewinddir">
    <refpurpose>Rewind a directory stream to the first entry</refpurpose>
     <function>php_stream_rewinddir</function> rewinds a directory stream to the first 
     Returns 0 on success, but -1 on failure.

  <refentry id="streams.php-stream-closedir">
    <refpurpose>Close a directory stream and release resources</refpurpose>
     <function>php_stream_closedir</function> closes a directory stream and releases
     resources associated with it.
     Returns 0 on success, but -1 on failure.


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