I like to suggest that setup of a valid php.ini file is moved to the
server specific instructions. Because one can run php just fine without
any ini-file, you need this mainly for enabling extensions, or setting
specific instructions.

It is better to document it in the manual part IMHO, as php.ini settings are not server specific.

At least for the CGI setup they are, some need cgi.force_redirect set to 0.
But we have a faq entry on this http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.sect.path-directory.php#ini.cgi.force-redirect
and linking this from server specific instructions is perhaps enough?

If we want to promote SAPI specific ini file names, setup of php-(sapiname).ini should be in the server specific instructions.
Why? I believe a typical newbie should do (outlined in brief):
1.) download php4/5
2.) unzip at some location (we should use that locations from main/config.w32.h: c:\php4 and c:\php5)
3.) what webserver? setup of that server (Apache1/2, IIS/PWS, Omni, Sambar....
4.) test the server with phpinfo
5.) which ini filename? php-cgi.ini/php-apache.ini .......
6.) right place for ini-file, PHPRC, PHPIniDir, PATH, Systemroot, install it, adjust cgi.force_redirec if needed.
7.) do 4.) again, check if right ini is used
8.) install extensions/ change ini settings.
9.) do 4.)


 0) get webserver and PHP
 1) setup and test webserver in itself
    (our docs assume it is already setup)
 2) peform general installation steps (using php.ini)
 3) read webserver instructions, where you find info
    on how you should customize the php.ini file name
    and contents for this server

So the first is to choose from the two shipped php.ini variants, and name it and made the php.ini accessible to the server/php. Then it can be renamed and tweaked. If it is not accessible, there is no reason to play with its name or contents. First is to make it accessible, and it is a general install step. Server specific instructions (CGI, other server based settings) should go to the relevant server based instructions.


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