Hello phpdoc people, I am Joris and I want to start contributing to the PHP (doc) project. Currently I am a professional PHP/web developer who's programming in PHP on a daily base (at work and at home). I have been thinking of contributing to the PHP project for a few months now and I'm glad that I have found some time to write some documentation for SPL last week. Actually I really started documenting after attending Matthew's session called "Contribute" at the Dutch PHP Conference!
I think that the SPL classes are a great addition to PHP, but unfortunately there's not so much documentation about these classes. So I want to complement this part of the manual. I have started with the the SPL ArrayObject class documentation. I have documented all undocumented methods and I have added examples for each method. I've also added documentation for the ArrayObject constants. The patch can be found at: http://devplace.nl/phpdoc/phpdoc.spl.arrayobject.20090624.diff I've tried to follow the documentation conventions as much as possible, but please let me know if I have missed something. So that I can create better documentation in the future :) . I am looking forward to contribute more documentation (for SPL and other parts of the manual). Maybe I will even try fixing bugs in the PHP core in the future. -Joris